Hunger strike in Kırıkkale Prison is on its 6th day 2023-06-17 12:57:00   ŞIRNAK-The indefinite and nonrotating hunger strike of 6 prisoners in Kırıkkale Type F High Security Closed Prison continues on its 6th day.   6 prisoners in Kırıkkale Type F High Security Closed Prison started an indefinite and nonrotating hunger strike on June 12. Prisoners Rıdvan Kaya, Fikret Erden, Serhat Erdemci, İhsan Oral, Baran Gül and Orhan Doruk said they would continue the strike until their phone violations with their families came to an end.   HUNGER STRIKE CONTINUES FOR 6 DAYS   Sıdıka Erden, mother of Fikret Erden, one of the ill prisoners on hunger strike, relayed the phone conversation she had with her son. Stating that 6 prisoners said that they will not end their hunger strike until the repression ends, mother Erden said: “Patients are still torturing them. They cut off their water, they do not give food. They leave our children hungry and thirsty. This action is the only thing they can do against these pressures. Our children are ill but not treated. My son's arm is broken but he still hasn't had surgery. Unfortunately they neither release him nor cure him. This is how they kill them slowly.   Expressing that her son Erden has been pressured since the day he was transferred to Kırıkkale Prison against his will, mother Erden demanded that the humanitarian demands of the prisoners be met.