Artist Elalmış: The state cannot tolerate the Kurdish language 2023-06-20 13:18:26   İSTANBUL - MKM artist Ferit Elalmış, who condemned the ban on its events, stated that the state could not tolerate the Kurdish language and said: "We will respond to the bans with our art and culture."   Kurdish music, concerts and events are banned for various reasons. The last of these pressures on Kurdish was the ban by the Fatih District Governorship of the "Çîroken Xorasanê (Horasan's desks)" event organized by the Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM) on June 17th. MKM, which did not recognize the ban decision, brought the event together with the audience.   Ferit Elalmış, one of the MKM artists, evaluated the banning of Kurdish events. Stating that MKM organized many events in a period 1-2 months before the election, Elalmış said: "The government did not prevent its activities during the election process. We consider this as an election investment."   'WE WILL ANSWER THESE BANS WITH OUR ART AND CULTURE'   Condemning the banning of the event by the district governor's office one day before giving any reason, Elalmış said: "This situation is completely arbitrary, the government has made these bans a habit. We are in a process with the ban again. We will be constantly exposed to these prohibitions, this shows it. Regardless, we will continue to organize our events, cultural studies and activities. We will respond to these prohibitions with our own art and culture. No matter what happens, they won't be able to intimidate us."   Stating that one should not remain silent against the prohibitions imposed by the AKP government, Elalmış said: "The revolutionary and democratic sections should not remain silent. The government intimidated society with these bans. There is a state that cannot tolerate the Kurdish language and culture."   CALLING FOR SUPPORT   Calling the public on the issue, Elalmış said: “We want our people not to leave us alone and we expect them to be sensitive to these prohibitions by participating in our events. I believe that our people will not leave us alone."