Uçar: We will expand our social alliance 2023-06-20 16:29:00 ANKARA - Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, who spoke at the first group meeting of her party, stated that they would expand the social alliance and said: "For us, the main issue for a solution is the strengthening of our ideological line."   The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) held its first weekly Assembly group meeting. Green Left Party Co-spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar started her speech with the Kirmancki dialect of Kurdish. Wishing God's mercy to the citizens who lost their lives in the land fight in the Serçeler and Sarı Hüseyin hamlets of Diyarbakır's Bismil district, and patience for their relatives, Uçar stated that they did not see the fight as an ordinary event. Uçar said, “While the Kurdish people are under such severe oppression, persecution, attack and war conditions; Everyone should make a special effort to resolve a conflict, such disagreements, with our social values."   'LOOK AT YOUR MUNICIPALITIES IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IRREGULARITY'   Referring to the arrest of Patnos Municipality Co-Mayors Müşerref Geçer and Emrah Kılıç, Uçar said: "The will of the Patnos people was usurped. Those who show irregularities as the reason for the arrest, should the Court of Accounts look at their reports! If you're really looking for irregularities, look at your own municipalities. We have experienced how the trustees appointed to our 48 municipalities usurp the will of this people and squander the values of the people every day. We see it today as it was yesterday. What you understand from the municipality is to beat and threaten journalists who write about your corruption and theft in the middle of the street, accompanied by the police. On this occasion, we convey our best wishes to journalist Sinan Aygül, and hereby declare that we will follow the case.”   WE CONDEMN THE POWER   Noting that LGBTI+s are one of the primary targets of the current government, which is trying to normalize violence, Uçar said: "We condemn the government that makes their existence a crime through hate speech that makes their existence a target."   WE CANNOT WAIT THE STRUGGLE FOR PEACE   As it is known, Turkey experienced two critical thresholds in terms of election date, 14 and 28 May. Undoubtedly, these elections have important consequences in many respects. Looking at the election results, no one should think that we have given up on the struggle for peace, labor, ecology and women. The election results have put before us as a great duty that our struggle is justified and that it should continue to grow. Let's call out here one more time; no matter what the election results may be, any government that cannot connect the insolvency of the Kurdish question with all the social problems we get through; cannot survive. That's why I appeal to the state mind that runs this country, you have to see the future and take a position accordingly.   MINIMUM WAGE   Deprivation continues to hurt and take lives. The minimum wage was 11 thousand 402 liras today. In the country where the minimum wage is determined in this way, the poverty line is 33 thousand liras. I'm calling out to the power, let's see how you get along with it. We demanded and will continue to demand a figure in which workers can lead a humane life. The country's problems lie in the middle. All the policies of the government are irrational. Just as we fought against it yesterday, we will not let it pass today. We will not allow the bill of the economic crisis to be brought to the public. How to get out of this severe crisis is hidden in our legacy of struggle.   THE PROMISE TO GROW THE FIGHT ON THE STREET   We promise to expand their struggle not only in the parliament but also on the streets, by establishing stronger and more genuine ties and connecting with all the struggle areas and dynamics of this society, from women to the youth, from the workers to the oppressed, from the disabled to the poor, and to the ecologists.   WE ARE THE ONLY ADDRESS   The next process will be difficult for each of us. We have made promises to gather the social opposition, to rebuild it, to see and embrace all the objections in the most remote corner of the country as our own objections. In line with these words; Together we will achieve the strongest democratic struggle in Turkey because we are the strongest and only address against fascism. Because we are the only party advocating coexistence against racism and hatred. This feature of ours is, of course, the main reason for the attacks we experience today. In this context, it is the women's struggle and our struggle that has carried out the struggle for democracy that we have carried out so far. We do not see the women's struggle as consisting only of the parliament, it is the struggle we wage on the main line of the women's struggle and on the street. The more the street struggle is reflected, the real parliament will come to life.   THE SOLUTION OF OUT OF CRISIS IS OUR 3rd WAY   We are together at the first group meeting of the Green Left Party. There is a saying that says, 'It goes how we start'. I think we started strong, with both our female friends and all our working friends. Let's repeat our words here, as the Green Left Party, we will continue to be in the places where the main struggle is fought, namely in the localities, in the regions with our people. We will attach utmost importance to being on the street with seasonal workers, on the roads, in the fields, and with everyone who seeks their rights. There is a very powerful way to get out of all the economic, social and political crises that political power has put in front of us. The solution is our paradigm and third way."