Ecologist Qeredaxî: Chemical attacks are deserting the region 2023-06-21 13:26:32   NEWS CENTER - Stating that the ecological balance has deteriorated due to the ongoing chemical attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region, Ecologist Serwer Qeredaxî said: "Both the attacks and the deforestation cause desertification."   The attacks launched by Turkey on April 17, 2022 against Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region continue. The chemical weapons used in the attacks threaten the ecological balance as well as the effects on human health. In addition to chemical weapons attacks, the destruction of trees carried out by Turkey in partnership with the KDP in the region causes desertification. While the nature of the region as a whole is poisoned by the attacks, Turkish companies are also cutting trees in partnership with the KDP. Green Party Chairperson Milko Bazyani, located in the Federated Kurdistan Region, announced that 4 million trees were cut down in Behdinan through a company in Turkey in partnership with the KDP in the regions where the attacks continue.   The ecologist Serwer Qeredaxî from Federated Kurdistan evaluated the chemical weapons attacks and ecological plunder against the region.   'ATTACKS ARE DESERTIFING KURDISTAN'   Expressing that the attacks launched by Turkey had negative effects on the nature of the region, Qeredaxî said: "Wherever the war takes place, it is nothing but environmental damage and ecological destruction. The Turkish state's invasion attacks over the region have been continuing for more than two years with drones and bombardments. Internationally banned weapons, namely chemical weapons, are used in the attacks. While the use of chemical weapons poses serious threats to human health, it also brings a great imbalance in nature. On the one hand, these attacks, on the other hand, cut down trees. It is an attempt to destroy its water. Chemical weapon attacks desertify the region, Kurdistan; therefore, it also causes the ecological balance to deteriorate and cause serious health problems in the region."   APPROVAL FOR TREE CUTTING, OBSTACLE TO RESEARCH CHEMICALS   Stating that they had attempted to conduct investigations in the region many times before, but they were prevented each time, Qeredaxî said: “We see this massacre and destruction; however, we did not go to the regions where the massacres and attacks took place, and we did not investigate in detail, and there are reasons for this. Our departures are not allowed due to the fact that there are areas of conflict in these areas. We want to go to places where there is tree cutting. We are making attempts for this, but entrances are not allowed. There is a team that wants to go to these regions and do detailed research, and these people are ready to go. You need support and permission to go to the region and do detailed research. For this reason, international ecology institutions should speak out against this and stand against this massacre of nature in the region; otherwise, the massacres and attacks will continue."   MA / Zeynep Durgut