HDP: State torture spread the streets 2023-06-26 15:44:10   ANKARA - Stating that Turkey has systematically violated the prohibition of torture, HDP Law and Human Rights Commission said: "Torture and ill-treatment practices have been moved from detention centers to the streets."   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Law and Human Rights Commission made a written statement on the occasion of the June 26 International Day for the Fight Against Torture and Solidarity with the Tortured. Law and Human Rights Commission Co-Spokespersons Nuray Özdoğan and Serhat Eren said the statement: "The fight against state-induced torture and persecution will continue. We stand by the victims so that the perpetrators of torture and torture crimes committed in the streets, police stations, prisons, Removal Centers, that is, in every area where law enforcement is present, should be held accountable and punished. Our struggle to protect the common heritage and human dignity of humanity will persist in the judicial and political arena."   TÜRKİYE DOES NOT COMPLY WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS IN THE CONTRACT   The statement, titled “Turkey systematically violates the prohibition on torture”, continued with the following: “June 26, when the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment entered into force, was declared as the Day of Solidarity with Torturers. Parties to the Convention are responsible for carrying out an effective fight against all forms of torture, ill-treatment, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Unfortunately, Turkey has not, and does not, act in accordance with its obligations under the convention on the prevention of torture, the non-perpetration of acts of torture, and a fair trial if it does happen."   TORTURE SPREAD TO THE STREET   The prohibition of torture is the common heritage of humanity and one of the most fundamental values of democratic societies based on the rule of law. A human rights regime cannot exist without the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment. Contrary to the rhetoric of 'zero tolerance to torture, human rights and the rule of law', the AKP government; Every period has shown that disappearances in custody, abductions, efforts to spy through pressure and threats, detentions with reverse handcuffs and battering in peaceful demonstrations, the organized praise of these actions on social media by their supporters, and the fact that the Minister of Interior explicitly ordered torture to 'break the prisoner's feet' had power. Torture and ill-treatment practices have moved from detention centers to the streets.”