Administration to the prisoner's request for treatment: There is nothing we can do 2023-07-01 16:22:25   ISTANBUL/ANKARA - While the administration's response to the treatment request of the family of Espiye Type L ill prisoner Şeyhmus Koç was "There is nothing we can do", it was stated that every day that the sick prisoner Süleyman Ayaz spends in prison poses a greater threat to his life.   The Istanbul Branch Prisons Commission of the Human Rights Association (İHD) held the 588th of its weekly “F Session” action in front of the association building to draw attention to the situation of ill prisoners. In this week's action, attention was drawn to the health status of seriously ill prisoner Süleyman Ayaz in Kırşehir Type S Closed Prison. In the statement attended by many human rights defenders and relatives of ill prisoners, banners "Isolation kills, solidarity gives life" and "Let the ill prisoner Süleyman Ayaz be released" were carried, while the slogans "Let the ill prisoners be released" and "Treatment is the right cannot be prevented" were shouted.   This week's statement was made by Cüneyt Yılmaz, the manager of the İHD Istanbul Branch.   THE HEAVY ISOLATION IS IN IMRALI   Drawing attention that the isolation came to the fore with Yanardağ's arrest and started to be discussed by entering the public agenda, Yılmaz reiterated that the most severe and unlawful model of isolation in terms of the penal execution system was applied to Abdullah Öcalan in Imralı Prison.   COMPLAINTS OF THE ILL PRISONER INCREASED   Stating that seriously ill prisoner Süleyman Ayaz in Kırşehir Type S Closed Prison has advanced osteoporosis and asthma, Yılmaz said: "Despite all these health problems, Ayaz was not treated and the necessary life opportunities were not provided. Ayaz was transferred from Diyarbakır Type D High Security Prison to Kırşehir Type S Closed Prison, which has a single cell structure, following the February 6 earthquakes. Ayaz's complaints, especially shortness of breath, increased due to the prison conditions and that He shared the information that he had serious weight loss."   'THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO'   Expressing that Koç was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder 2 years ago, Turgut said: “Only one tablet of medicine was given for this disease and it was said that he would use this medicine for life. However, this drug is more sedating than curing. It is not clear how far the disease has progressed, since routine controls are not performed. Medicines are also prescribed only by taking them to the infirmary, and they are not treated by specialist doctors and in a full-fledged hospital. This situation paves the way for further progression of the disease. His family meets with the administration every time they go to visit, although they demand that he be treated, no progress can be made. Nothing is done by the administration and they say, 'There is nothing we can do'. As a result of the applications made to our institution, no results could be obtained from the letters written to the relevant institutions. Only the medicine is prescribed in the infirmary, they are trying to treat it with a tablet of medicine. Being held in a prison far away from his family also aggravates his health condition. His family cannot go to visit, which prevents family support from a psychological point of view."