Tuncel: Everyone knows Öcalan's role, including Erdoğan 2023-07-03 15:58:05   ANKARA - Condemning the arrest of journalist Merdan Yanardağ over her criticism of the isolation, Arrested politician Sebahat Tuncel said: "Isolation is a crime against humanity. They want to instrumentalize Mr. Öcalan when it comes to his work; however, everyone knows the role of Öcalan, including Erdoğan.”   On the grounds of the protests that took place on October  6-8, 2014 over the ISIS attacks on Kobanê, 18 of them, including the former Co-Chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, and the members of the Central Executive Board (MYK) were imprisoned. The 26th hearing of the Kobanê Case, in which 108 people were tried, started to be held at the Sincan Prison Campus with its first session.   HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar, Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, Green Left Party MPs, HDP Law Commission, HDP and Green Left Party executives and litigation lawyers, as well as lawyers who are members of the Lawyers for Freedom Associationattended the hearing of the case heard by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. In addition, a large number of spectators took part in the hall to follow the hearing.   'EVERYONE KNOWS THE ROLE OF ÖCALAN, INCLUDING ERDOĞAN'   Condemning the arrest of journalist Merdan Yanardağ, Sebahat Tuncel, former Co-Chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) said: "Mr. Öcalan has not met with his family and lawyers since 2011. The government is grounds for arrest. Aren't we going to say that? Isolation is a crime against humanity. The Turkish state wants to instrumentalize Mr. Öcalan when it comes to his work; however, everyone knows Öcalan's role, including Erdoğan. Why did he overturn the table? He ended the process because of his relations with al-Qaeda and ISIS. There can be no democracy and justice in this country unless these things are talked about. You are running this conspiracy case because there is no justice. History will judge the Kobanê File. History writes those who resist."   'XENOPHOBIA IN TURKEY IS A SERIOUS DANGER'   Drawing attention to the trustee policies of the government, Tuncel said: "The current political order cannot intimidate us. We will fight in a more moral way. We need to put our hat before us in this picture, but we will continue to carry the torch of light against drowning this country in darkness. This is our historical responsibility. It has been brought to power, but even they have to change. You see France. If you deepen racism, class difference and injustice in society, it will break out somewhere. Xenophobia is a serious threat in Turkey. CHP is a so-called social democratic party. Even CHP is fueling it. The main problems in Turkey should be solved through politics. The judiciary also has an important role to play."