Returns to Shengal continue: No one can break this will 2023-07-04 12:18:29   NEWS CENTER - Noting that Yazidis continue to return to their lands despite the attacks, Dexîl Îbrahim from Shengal Democratic Autonomous Administration said that the people have the power to rebuild and this will not be broken.   Yazidis who lived through the 73rd Massacre were massacred, sold in slave markets and displaced from their holy lands with the ISIS attacks on Shengal on August 3, 2014. The Iraqi government and the KDP-led Federated Kurdistan Regional Government, which left the Yazidis to their fate during the ISIS attacks, did not take any steps to ensure the return of the people to their lands, even after 9 years. On the contrary, attacks against Ezidis were either condoned or a direct partnership was made in this process.   The "Shengal Agreement" was signed between Baghdad and Hewlêr with the pressure of the United States (USA) and Turkey. Right after, Turkey's Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHA) attacks on Shengal increased even more with the partnership of the KDP. Despite this, Ezidis continued to return to their lands. The Ezidis, who organized around the Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly (MXDS) in the face of the attacks, are rebuilding the places they returned to. While 15,000 families have returned to their lands to date, the return of Ezidis living in camps in the cities of the Federated Kurdistan Region is prevented by the KDP.   Shengal Democratic Autonomous Administration member Dexîl Îbrahîm, who emigrated due to the attacks and stayed in the camps for 6 years, stated that the people have the power to rebuild and called on the Ezidis to return to their lands.   THE RESISTANCE OF PEOPLE   Reminding that at least 450 thousand people were forced to immigrate from Shengal in the 73rd Ferman, Ibrahim said: "It was the Iraqi government's responsibility to ensure their return to Shengal. The Ezidis' will to resist has strengthened. A large part of the people returned with this will. The Iraqi government is responsible for the attacks against Shengal and the prevention of their return. The state must have laws and act accordingly. It has to protect its citizens against attacks; however, we are exposed to the divisive policies of the Iraqi government and the Federal Kurdistan government. The Iraqi government has to ensure the return to Shengal. This is one of his main MPs. Many people want to return, but they cannot return because they do not have financial means and the government does not help them to return. The people of Shengal living in Dûhok or any other city cannot make a living because they don't have enough money but if the government helps these families, they can easily return to their own home and make a living here."   REBUILDING   Emphasizing that a new ideology has emerged among the Ezidis, Ibrahim said: “This society will no longer kneel before its enemy. This is the meaning of returning to Shengal. Despite the attack and difficulties, they return. A will has emerged among the Ezidis and no one has the power to break this will. A new ideology was created and Ezidis rallied around this idea. There are too many returns from Tilexer, Tilqesab, Tilbinav and Girzerik villages. There is not a single house left standing in Girzerik village, but returning families have set up tents in the village and are now living in those tents. We will build our own villages because we have the power to rebuild."   15 THOUSAND FAMILY RETURNED TO THEIR LAND   Noting that 15,000 families have returned to their lands so far, Ibrahim said: “All our people should now return to their lands. Let him plant and make his home in his land. Every family that came out of those tents and came here should look at the event as they destroyed an ISIS member. They must come with this ambition. Every turn is an attitude and a resistance against the enemy. As the Autonomous Administration, we help our families as much as we can. We take care of all your basic needs. We are always there for our families."   CALL TO THE PEOPLE TO "RETURN HOME"   Calling on the Ezidis to return to their lands, Ibrahim continued: “The Massacres continue. Threats continue in this society. Ezidis cannot do business in Dûhok or Hewlêr. They cannot live in these cities. The one who leaves his own land and home will not benefit anyone; therefore, our call to our families who did not return to Shengal; Let them be strong-willed and go home.”   MA / Zeynep Durgut