Court of appeal upholds MHP's Kayaalp's acquittal of 'sexual assault on a child' 2023-07-04 14:48:03   DİYARBAKIR- The Court of Appeal upheld the acquittal of former MHP Diyarbakır Provincial Chairperson Cihan Kayaalp, who is on trial for "Sexual harassment", "Sexual abuse" and "Deprivation of liberty".   The verdict of acquittal of the Diyarbakır 13th High Criminal Court, which tried the former MHP Diyarbakır Provincial Chair Cihan Kayaalp, who was dismissed after repeatedly sexually assaulting the child E. A. in Amed, was upheld by the Diyarbakır Regional Court of Justice. The 7th Penal Chamber of the Diyarbakır Regional Court of Justice, which examined the objections of the prosecutor's office and the parties against the acquittal of "Sexual harassment", "Sexual abuse" and "Deprivation of liberty", rejected the applications of all parties.   The 7th Criminal Chamber, which rejected the request of Amed Bar Association Child Rights Center because it did not have the right to appeal, concluded that there was no unlawfulness in the court's decision regarding the procedural and substantive, according to the opinion and discretion of the court based on the evidence and the results of the court's investigation. He denied the appeal, being conclusive in terms of "sexual harassment". The 7th Penal Chamber of the Diyarbakır Regional Court of Justice, which closed the appeal against "sexual harassment", decided to reject the appeal application for the crimes of "sexual abuse" and "deprivation of liberty".   The 7th Criminal Chamber took the decision to reject the appeal application unanimously.   The lawyers of the child are preparing to appeal to the Court of Cassation on the charges of "sexual abuse" and "deprivation of liberty" in an individual application to the Constitutional Court, as the way to apply to the Court of Cassation was closed due to the definitive refusal of the crime of "sexual harassment".