Intense military shipments to the border 2023-07-07 15:55:36   COLEMÊRG - A large number of soldiers and military equipment were dispatched to military base areas and outposts in the Çelê district, which is on the border of the Federated Kurdistan Region.   While Turkey's attacks against Avaşîn, Zap and Metîna regions in the Federated Kurdistan Region, in partnership with the KDP, have continued since April 17, 2022, the activity on the border line has increased. There has been intense military activity in the Çelê (Çukurca) district of Colemêrg(Hakkari), which is located on the border line. Military shipments are made to the border every day from the districts of Gever ( Yüksekova), Şemzînan (Şemdinli) and Rûbarok (Derecik). In recent days, many soldiers have moved to the Çelê border from the military outposts in Van.   It was learned that the soldiers were deployed at the military bases established in the villages of Serê Sevê, Ertuş and Bilêcan on the border. In addition, military equipment is transported to the border line by trucks and transport vehicles. On the other hand, it was stated that a letter was sent to the rangers about the "operation". It is stated that these preparations are made in preparation for a new attack.