Journalists released after 13 months 2023-07-12 17:46:22   DİYARBAKIR– In the statement made in front of the Diyarbakır Courthouse after the release of journalists, it was stated that the 13-month unlawfulness had come to an end. In the hearing of 18 journalists, 15 of whom were arrested in Amed(Diyarbakır), the release decision was given for 15 journalists. After the release decision, a statement was made in front of the courthouse. Speaking in a statement, Attorney Resul Temur said that the 13-month detention has ended as of today. '13 MONTHS OF LAWFULNESS WAS ENDED' Reminding that the journalists said that they were all arrested because of journalism, Temur said: “Our position has not changed for 13 months. When they went before a judge for the first time in 13 months, they defended journalism. They declared that they did not back down from their professional activities despite judicial harassment. This process ended after 13 months. Today, we saw that the same file was used not only for the trial of journalists' journalistic activities, but also for the closure of the HDP. We also saw that the secret witness gave false statements and this resulted in long detention. The release of journalists made us proud." Speaking afterwards, Green Left Party Deputy Mehmet Kamaç said: "The pressure on the public and journalists continues. Today, it has been seen that the operations against politicians and journalists have no legal basis. We are happy with this decision. We are happy that our friends are freed. We will go to meet journalists in prison." The statement ended with applause and the slogans “The free press cannot be silenced”. ​