Forbidden zone in Xîzan being bombed 2023-07-16 13:05:51   BİTLİS - The area declared as a "special security zone" in Xîzan district is bombed from the air.   A curfew was declared in the villages of Hûzeran, Akûnis, Govan, Lanîlan, Xûlepûr, Kekulan, Sûreh, Pertawan, Kuran and Mezra Pisyan in the Xîzan (Hizan) district of Bedlis(Bitlis) on July 2 and a large-scale operation was launched after the ban. While the ban in question ended on July 6, a large area of the city, including the villages of Xûlepûr and Kekulan, was declared a "Special Security Zone" for 15 days yesterday.   FARMERS WERE RELEASED   Two farmers who went out to irrigate their fields yesterday in Xûlepur village were detained. The farmers were released this morning after their statements at the gendarmerie.   THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF 'IT IS FORBIDDEN TO GO THE FIELDS'   According to the information obtained from the residents of the region; The region is frequently bombed with helicopters. In addition, "it is forbidden to go to the fields" announcements are made.