Despite the applications, the CPT remains silent for Imrali 2023-07-27 15:54:09   ISTANBUL - The CPT maintains its silence despite 49 applications in 12 years against the absolute isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from on Imrali Island for 29 months.   PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been in aggravated isolation for 24 years in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, has not been heard from for 29 months. On July 18, his lawyers were informed that Abdullah Öcalan, who was not allowed to meet with his family and lawyers, was given a new "disciplinary punishment" by the Bursa Execution Judge. While Abdullah Öcalan and prisoners Veysi Aktaş, Hamili Yıldırım and Ömer Hayri Konar, who were in İmralı, were not allowed to meet with their families and lawyers despite all the applications, the state of not being heard in İmralı turned into "absolute lack of communication".   While national and international reactions to the aggravated isolation against Abdullah Öcalan and the inability to receive news are rising, the attempts of his lawyers, legal organizations and non-governmental organizations against the isolation continue.   SUBJECT OF APPLICATIONS TO CPT   Lawyers of Asrın Law Office have applied to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), which was established against inhuman and degrading treatment, deprived of liberty dozens of times during the 24-year period that the PKK leader was held in Imrali. The main applications made by lawyers who have exhausted domestic remedies in Turkey; Legal regulations such as eliminating torture conditions, transforming the prison into a suitable environment befitting human dignity, not reducing communication with the world below an acceptable level, ensuring regular visits to lawyers, families and guardians, and removing the bans of opinion imposed by actual and unlawful judicial decisions. and the use of all universal rights.   MINIMUM 49 APPLICATIONS IN 12 YEARS   While the applications to the CPT continue, the violations in Imrali have turned into a serious picture, especially since July 27, 2011, when the ban on lawyers was imposed. During the 12-year period from 2011, when the ban was in effect, to 2023, lawyers have asked the CPT to put an end to the violations in Imrali, at least on the issues of putting the balance and monitoring mechanisms into effect, the right of defense, the right to respect for family private life, communication and the inclusion of the Imrali regime in the law. There were 49 applications.   A total of 8 applications were made to the CPT in 2011, when the ban on lawyers was taken, 7 in 2012, 4 in 2013, 1 in 2014, 2 in 2015, 3 in 2016, 4 in 2017, 4 in 2018, There were 3 applications in 2019, 5 applications in 2020, 4 applications in 2021, 3 applications in 2022 and 1 application in 2023.   THE POLICIES OF CPT IS NOT APPLIED   Lawyers applied to the CPT on May 9, 2023, regarding the violation of the right of communication and the elimination of communication tools, and that Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş were not allowed to meet with their families and lawyers. In the application, in which it was stated that the principles of the CPT were not applied, it was pointed out that this isolation against the PKK Leader was defined as “Incommunicado” and that the prohibition of torture was violated with a systematic continuity.   MA / Ergin Çağlar