'The Rojava Revolution is the strongest response to the Treaty of Lausanne' 2023-07-28 15:36:13   URFA- Drawing attention that women gave the strongest response to the Rojava Revolution and the Treaty of Lausanne, Kongra Star member Menal Mihemed said: "A new Lausanne will be written with the struggle of women."   The geography where Kurds lived 100 years ago was divided and the Kurds were left without status with the treaties that started with Sykes-Picot and continued with Lausanne. In the intervening period, the problems faced by the Kurds have not been resolved. On the contrary, the deepening problems gained an international dimension. The Kurds, who wanted to be left without status in a new century, carried out the Rojava Revolution in Northern and Eastern Syria on July 19, 2012, which gave hope to all peoples. The revolution, also called the "Women's Revolution", has completed its 11th year. The system that developed and the new life established in Northern and Eastern Syria became hope for the peoples living in the Middle East. The Kurds and their friends started the construction of Democratic Modernity as an alternative to Capitalist Modernity in the current period. Women, who were the target of annihilation and denial policies in Lausanne, became the founding subject of the new system.   Kongra Star member Menal Mihemed evaluated the post-Lausanne period and the revolutionary process led by women.   WOMEN BEFORE THE REVOLUTION   Emphasizing that the whole world recognizes the Rojava Revolution as a women's revolution, Mihemed said: "The revolution has grown stronger under the leadership of Kurdish women. Women were ignored by the BAAS regime in Northern and Eastern Syria before the Rojava Revolution. Every woman who wanted to stand on her own feet was a danger to the system. Women were wanted to be kept away from society. Women were ignored both at home and abroad. Women could not play a role in any area of society. It was impossible for women to participate in politics. The policies of ignoring women for thousands of years were living at the highest level. Women were murdered in the name of honour. Women had no rights. No one could claim a right. In 2005, Kongra Star was established despite all prohibitions and obstructions. He made his meetings with many difficulties and made great efforts to reach a woman. There was a great struggle for the organization of women."   'ALL PEOPLE KNITTED NEW LIFE    Stating that women took their place at the forefront against all policies of ignorance with the 19 July Rojava Revolution, Mihemed said: "Kurdish women played a role in every stage of the revolution by increasing their organization in all areas of life. Women ensured their self-defense with Yekîneyên Parastina Jin (YPJ). Kongra Star played an important role for women to take their place in the Autonomous Administration. All women, whether Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen or Assyrian, took their place in the People's Assemblies without discrimination and knitted the new life."   THE FIGHT AGAINST THE DARKNESS   Mentioning the role of women in the fight against ISIS, Mihemed continued as follows: “Women fought against ISIS and similar gangs in the front and protected the revolution. This attitude of women brought the attacks of the Turkish state, which does not want Democratic Modernity in the region and does not favor a solution. The Turkish state saw women's management of themselves and their participation in all areas of society as a threat to itself. This is why women who are pioneers in the fight against darkness have been targeted and are being taken away. The aim of Hevrîn Xelef, Jiyan Tolhildan, Yusra Derweş and all the women killed by the Turkish state's SİHA attacks was to create a 'Women Libertarian, Ecological and Democratic' society. They fought for this purpose until the last moment of their lives. Women never gave up on this purpose. Women have learned to defend themselves and will not be deprived of self-defense once again. Our promise to them as their comrades is; we will embrace their struggle, their goals and make their dream life a reality. The Turkish state wants to avenge ISIS by targeting women first. Against this, women will be the answer in every field in which they are organized.”   'LAUSAN WILL BE WRITTEN WITH THE WOMEN'S STRUGGLE'   Noting that Kurdistan was divided into 4 parts with Lausanne a hundred years ago, Mihemed said: “There were numerous destruction attacks against Kurds in 4 parts. Women were the most exposed to the attack. Women have always been in a struggle against the policies of ignoring and annihilation. Women have never bowed their heads to this ignorance and have always raised their heads against destruction. The revolution carried out by women in Northern and Eastern Syria is one of the strongest responses to Lausanne. A new Lausanne will be written with the struggle of women. The new century will be the century of women. The alternative to Lausanne is the Autonomous Administration, which is the hope for all peoples in Northern and Eastern Syria. Lausanne was thrown into the dustbin of history with the struggle of women. In the new century, women's answer to international powers is Democratic Confederalism."   'NO POWER CAN BREAK THOSE TIES'   Expressing that all peoples should fight together against Lausanne, Mihemed said: “Democratic Confederalism will be a breath of fresh air for all peoples. All colors can find themselves in Democratic Confederalism. All darkness in the Middle East can turn into a riot of colors with Democratic Confederalism. The leader of Democratic Confederalism, the president (PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan), is being isolated so that the darkness does not become light. No matter what they do, they cannot break their ties with the people. Those bonds are so strong that no power can break them. The states that call themselves 'democrats' have closed their eyes and ears against the world's longest and most severe isolation. No matter how much they ignore it, the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria will shout for Mr. Öcalan's freedom until they hear it. No one can be truly free without Mr. Öcalan being free. As women, we will fight until Mr. Öcalan is free. As women, we have rendered Lausanne meaningless, which was signed a century ago, and we will eliminate Lausanne's disintegrating power by establishing Democratic Confederalism.”   MA / Emrullah Acar