Court decided to continue the arrest of Mızraklı 2023-09-11 18:51:42   AMED – It was decided to continue the arrest of Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı, whose sentence was overturned due to "incomplete investigation" and a trustee was appointed instead. The retrial of Amed(Diyarbakır) Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı, whose prison sentence of 9 years, 4 months and 15 days was overturned by the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals due to "incomplete examination", continued. COURT DECIDED TO CONTINUE THE ARREST OF MIZRAKLI After the statements of Mızraklı and his lawyers were completed, the prosecution requested Mızraklı's continued arrest. After the statements of Mızraklı's lawyers, a short break was taken for the decision. The court decided to continue Mızraklı's detention and postponed the hearing to 29 November. 'THERE IS NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE ARREST' After the decision, his lawyer made a statement. Speaking in the statement, lawyer Mehmet Emin Aktar said that an additional lawsuit was filed against Mızraklı with the new indictment. Stating that a new case was opened upon the statement of a confessor who gave the names of 700 people, Aktar said: “On September 5, it was determined that the confessor was heard in court. It was decided to hear again today. As you can see, trivial excuses are being made for the arrest of Selçuk Mızraklı. Although the objections were accepted by the Supreme Court, the reason for this is not an investigation, but a formal legal justification for the trustee practice that has been going on for years in this city. There is no legal justification for the arrest of Selçuk Mızraklı. We want him to be released as soon as possible."