Women meet in the 'jin, jiyan, azadi' campaign! 2023-09-18 11:31:36   RIHA -Women taking part in TJA's "Towards freedom with jin, jiyan, azadi" campaign stated that they would go house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood, carry out organizational work and fight against special war policies.   The Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) started the campaign that will last until March 8, International Women's Day, with the motto "Towards freedom with jin, jiyan, azadî". In the text of the campaign, which was announced at the press conference held in Riha on March 15, the absolute isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, special war policies, femicide, ecological plunder and pressure on the mother tongue were the prominent topics. Women will travel from village to village, district to district, and organize a series of actions and events within the scope of the campaign.   PURPOSE OF THE CAMPAIGN   Speaking about the campaign, TJA activist Sevda Çelik Özbingöl said: "With the inspiration we received from the struggle that started with a lock of Jîna Emînî's hair and spread all over the world with the slogan 'jin, jiyan, azadi', we will shout against all the massacres that this century is a woman's century. We will respond to the attacks with the philosophy of 'jin, jiyan, azadi'. We will increase the resistance against all masculine and powerful mentalities. As soldiers of the women's freedom struggle, we have basic goals. To make our struggle visible, to stand against the massacre against nature, to break the isolation that has spread to all prisons and all areas of life, starting from İmralı. These are just a few of the titles."   ORGANIZATION FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE   Green Left Party Riha Youth Council member Senem Eriş said that the leading role of women and young people in society will be revealed again with the campaign. Drawing attention that women deal with the problems they face through policies of isolation and special war, Eriş said: "Kurdistan is where these policies deepen. These policies are carried out mostly on women. Because the dominant mentality knows the changing and transformative mission of women. That's why they target it. We will come together with women in neighborhoods, streets, universities, workplaces, homes and factories against these attacks. We will organize and try to listen to their problems and seek answers to them."   Stating that women are among the segments most affected by the isolation policies, Eriş said: "As the isolation deepens, women are oppressed the most. Women are struggling with isolation on the one hand, and with special war policies on the other. We set out with a great claim against this. We have a great deal to give. We will respond to this with resistance."   'WE WILL FIGHT BACK TO BACK'   Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Riha Provincial Co-chair Hamide Göktaş said that women resist the government's policies in every field. Göktaş said: “Women are struggling to survive under difficulties today. A climate of fear has been created for women. We will break this climate together, back to back. We have seen with our own eyes how the women we have touched have been affected in the work we have done so far. That's why we will continue to touch these women by working on the streets. We will overcome all difficulties by fighting with hope for a free life. We will respond to these pressures by organizing."