Aydın: If there is a solution, both Kurds and Turks will be relieved 2023-09-19 11:17:51 AMED - Evaluating the EU's 2022 Turkey report, writer Erdoğan Aydın said, “The solution is very easy, as long as we change the method. In this way, both Kurds and Turks will be relieved."   One of the prominent topics in the 2022 Turkey report, which was accepted at the session of the European Parliament (EP) on September 15, was the Kurdish issue. In the report, which called for the resumption of a process in which all political parties participated, Turkey's presence in Northern and Eastern Syria was described as "illegal occupation". Turkey's frequent air strikes were also among the issues criticized.   Researcher-writer and Middle East Expert Erdoğan Aydın evaluated Turkey's policies and the prepared report.   'TURKİYE SHOULD WITHDRAW ITS SOLDIERS'   Drawing attention that they wanted to prevent the institutionalization of the Kurds in Northern and Eastern Syria through attacks, Aydin said: " The Kurds' rights arising from universal law were prevented by the attacks. This situation harms the democratization of Turkey. The economic crisis and impoverishment in Turkey are becoming inevitable as the price of these systematic interventions on the existing rights of the Kurds. It is better for the Kurds to be able to receive education in their native language in all the lands they live in than to be governed by their own elected representatives. It cannot be a natural right."   Evaluating the government's request to meet with Assad as "a move to save the situation", Aydin said: "Syria stipulated the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Syrian territory during the talks. Of course, Türkiye should withdraw its soldiers from both Syria and Iraq. It should be in dialogue with the legitimate representatives of the region, the people elected by its people, as soon as possible. This dialogue will bring peace to the region, peace to Syria, and ensure that the economic crisis in Turkey is overcome as soon as possible. It will ensure the democratization of Turkey. When we look at it from this perspective, the change to negotiate with Assad, who was tried to be overthrown yesterday, is a good move, but the necessities of this move need to be done. The requirement for this is the withdrawal of the soldiers there."   'BELATED REPORTS'   Referring to the Turkey report accepted in the EP, Aydın said: "Institutions in the world do not accept the policy followed. The report is a 'belated report'. Turkey is currently playing the role of a gendarmerie that solves the refugee problem of the West. On the other hand, although it does not implement the decisions of the ECtHR, no sanctions are imposed on it. It violates the decisions of the Security Council; therefore, it plays a role in preventing the Middle East from reaching peace."    Aydın said: "The conclusion to be reached in this report is the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers and reaching a consensus among all actors of the region on equal terms before international observers. This will solve both the Kurdish problem, the Turkey-Syria conflict and Turkey's economic crisis. All actors in the region and Turkey will be relieved."   'THE SOLUTION WILL RELIEVE TURKEY'   Drawing attention to problems can be solved by the interlocutors of social problems, Aydın said: "The problem a Turk experiences in Cyprus becomes our problem, the problem a Turk experiences in Bulgaria becomes our problem. The Kurds, who constitute at least one fourth of our country's citizens, are in Iraq and Syria. Why shouldn't the problems in Turkey be problems that we can solve fairly? Therefore, it is necessary to solve the Turkish problem together with the Kurdish problem. This will relieve both the Kurd and the Turk. Democracy will come to Turkey, the economic crisis and the quarrel between brothers will disappear. Those who govern Turkey must solve this problem as soon as possible. The solution is very easy, as long as we change the method. If we change the method, Turkey will be relieved, the region will be relieved, both Kurds and Turks will be relieved."   'THE SOLUTION IS THROUGH JUSTICE AND EQUALITY'   Underlining that the path to solution is through equality and law, Aydın continued: "The solution comes from a sacred word like peace. The solution comes from accepting that what we want for ourselves is also the right of others. Every Turkish citizen asks 'Why is the right I use the right of a Kurd too? The solution should be that simple. We are rotting, we are rotting all together. As we rot, we become the playthings of imperialists, great powers, capital powers. We become areas of exploitation. Those who turn to the public today and say 'foreign powers' should accept that they are playing into the hands of foreign powers. The country needs to enter the solution chapter as soon as possible."   MA / Müjdat Can - Bazid Evren