Green Left Party Co-Speakers: We should take a stand against the attacks 2023-09-19 15:52:55   ANKARA - Green Left Party Co-Speakers Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın made a statement regarding the attack on KNK and the airport in Silêmaniyê: "We call on the Kurdish people to take action, strive for national unity and take a stand against those who provide grounds for massacres."   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Speakers Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın made a statement about the attacks on the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) representative office in Hewlêr and the airport in Silêmaniyê yesterday. Co-Speakers emphasized that the unity of the Kurdish people was targeted with the attack and the perpetrators were identified.   'WE SHOULD TAKE A STAND AGAINST THE ATTACKS'   In the statement: “We strongly condemn these systematic attacks against the Kurdish people and their achievements. We also condemn the silence of international forces, especially regional forces, against these attacks, which have almost turned into a policy of massacre spread over time. The Kurdish people, who have not given up their demands for equality, freedom and justice despite the massacre policies, attacks and dirty schemes for years, will never give up their demands or step back against these attacks. Our people will give the necessary response to these attacks by ensuring their national unity despite the groups from all around that cooperate with the attacks and play a sinister role. We express our condolences to the family of KNK Representative Deniz Cevdet Bülbün, who was murdered in the attack in Hewlêr, to the KNK, to the families of the PUK Peshmerga who were murdered in the attack on Erbet Airport, to the PUK and to the Kurdish people for both attacks. Losses are the common pain of our people. In order to end these sufferings, we call on the Kurdish people to take action, to cooperate, to strive for national unity, and to take a stand against political understandings that provide grounds and encourage massacres. We call on the democratic public to take a stand against these massacres. Moreover; We call on the relevant circles that remained silent and spectators to the massacres, supported them, and approved them as such, to give up this crime they committed as soon as possible. As a requirement of loyalty to the memory of those we lost, we will continue to work and fight against the massacred attitude until we achieve national unity."