Apê Musa commemorated 2023-09-20 14:12:11   AMED - Kurdish scholar Musa Anter (Apê Musa) was commemorated on the street where he was murdered in Amed. Speaking at the commemoration, MKGP Spokesperson Roza Metîna said: "We will always protect the legacy of Apê Musa"   Kurdish scholar, journalist and writer Musa Anter (Apê Musa) was commemorated in Amed's Yenişehir district, Cumhuriyet Mahallesi 442nd Street, where he was murdered by JİTEM members on September 20, 1992. Anter's son Dicle Anter, Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) MPs Ceylan Akça and Mehmet Kamaç, Yeni Yaşam Newspaper writer and journalist Hüseyin Aykol attended the commemoration organized by Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) and Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform (MKGP). Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Green Left Party, Human Rights Association (IHD) and representatives of non-governmental organizations attended. While photographs of Musa Anter and the murdered journalists were carried in the statement, photographs of the murdered journalist Ferhat Tepe and the deceased Yılmaz Yakut, one of the newspaper distributors whom Apê Musa called "my little generals", were not allowed.   'WE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOUR PEN'   MKGP Spokesperson Roza Metîna, who spoke first at the commemoration that started with a respectful hearing, said: “We bow down to you with respect. Despite all the pressure, he did not quit journalism. Apê Musa fought a great pen struggle. We will always hold his pen, we will never let go. We will always protect the legacy of Apê Musa under all circumstances. There are policies of impunity in this state. The perpetrators of Apê Musa were not punished. "We will always expose this impunity."   'APE MUSA WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN'   Green Left Party Amed MP Mehmet Kamaç also commemorated Apê Musa and stated that Kurds have been facing massacre for centuries. Kamaç said: “Apê Musa was neither the first nor the last. They thought they could end this press by murdering Apê Musa. Apê Musa is the Apê Musa of the Kurdish people, he will never be forgotten. It is the name of resistance. Apê Musa was murdered here 31 years ago, but we know that he was judicially murdered once again last year. They clearly demonstrated themselves legally and left the perpetrators unpunished. We will never forget Apê Musa, Musa Anter shines for us like a star in the sky. That star illuminates our struggle. His way is the way of resistance."   A CARNATION WAS LEFT WHERE ANTER WAS MURDERED   After the speeches, the crowd walked to the street where Anter was murdered, shouting the slogans "Free press cannot be silenced" and "Martyrs are immortal". The commemoration ended with carnations left at the place where Anter was murdered.