Politicians' condemned KDP: The attacks harms all Kurds 2023-09-27 12:50:19   ISTANBUL - Politicians condemned the KDP due to its accomplicity in the ongoing attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region and said that the KDP damaged all the gains of the Kurds.   Turkey's attacks on the Zap, Metina and Avaşin areas of the Federated Kurdistan Region continue uninterruptedly. KDP is also an accomplice in these attacks. KDP, which previously came to the fore by confiscating masks used against the use of chemical weapons, builds new roads in places where attacks continue and frequently sends military shipments to the region. KDP most recently sent new military vehicles and special forces to Sîdekan and Biradost regions.   KDP is also held responsible for the armed attacks against Kurdish politicians, journalists and intellectuals in recent years. KDP not only does not find the perpetrators of those who lost their lives in the attacks, but also refrains from making a statement about the events.   Representatives of political parties and institutions in Istanbul evaluated KDP's accomplice in the attacks.   'THE MAIN TARGET IS THE GAINS OF THE KURDS'   Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Istanbul Provincial Co-Spokesperson Mehmet Karadağ stated that a special concept against the Kurds has been in effect since 2015 and that the attacks are aimed at the gains of the Kurds as a whole. Drawing attention that the gains in Northern and Eastern Syria were mainly targeted with the attacks, Karadağ said: "The attacks increased after the visit of Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to the KDP. The attack on the KNK sent the message 'You will either do what we say or you will die'. The main target is the gains of the Kurds.  Turkey has committed many human rights violations in the region according to international law."   'KDP IS AN ACCOMPLICE OF THE WAR'   Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Marmara Co-Spokesperson Dilber Demir drew attention to the attack on the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Hewlêr Representation and said: “KDP is clearly an accomplice of this war. The Kurdish people must ensure national unity in all four parts by rejecting both the cooperation of the KDP and the attacks. In other words, this national unity will be achieved whether there is a KDP or not. This collaborative, treasonous line of the KDP must be exposed. An all-out fight is needed against all-out attacks. All Kurds should act together and carry out diplomacy activities that can mobilize the European Parliament and all international powers. Diplomatic work should be carried out to expose the KDP, Turkey and international powers by fighting with the people on the streets and in the fields. Kurds must ensure their national unity.”   MA / Esra Solin Dal