Application from imprisoned women to the CPT against violations 2023-09-29 14:21:00   ANKARA - Women detained in Sincan Prison Campus applied to the CPT regarding their rights violations and requested "take action".   Detained women in prisons located in Sincan Prison Campus applied to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) to examine their rights violations. In the application, attention was drawn to the deaths occurring in Turkish prisons. In the application, which draws attention to the death of Şakir Turan in Erzincan Type L Prison on August 30: “Although he was diagnosed with cancer, he was not released. As a Kurd and politician, he had to die to prove that he was ill? Because the government's Forensic Medicine Institute published a report stating that he had conditions to remain in prison despite being diagnosed with cancer. "This decision made by ATK about Şakir Turan is a clear sign that political prisoners are kept in prison by political decision."   ATTENTION DRAWN TO DEATHS   In the application, it was stated that at least 81 prisoners lost their lives in this way within a year and added: “These deaths were never investigated and were left suspicious. As a result, every death under government control is a murder. Most of those who died were ill prisoners. These prisoners have been targeted because of their thoughts and political activities, and especially because they are Kurds. Discriminatory and racist practices against the Kurdish people are carried out on a fascist scale in prisons. Even small democratic demands of the prisoners are irrationally subject to investigation and punishment by the prison administration."   'TAKE ACTION'   In the application, it was drawing attention that torture continues in prisons and said: “There are tens of thousands of people exposed to fascistic and racist practices in Turkish prisons. Systematic deaths and murders continue as a result of these practices. The prisoners' right to hope was eliminated with this new law. While seriously ill prisoners are left to die, their right to visit their families is limited. CPT should launch an investigation and investigation into Turkish prisons that torture and violate the right to life. The results of the report should be shared with the public and Turkey, which is responsible for this entire violation, should be warned and convicted. Take action immediately."