The prisoner's crutches confiscated 2023-10-01 12:09:07 ŞIRNEX - The crutches of ill prisoner Abdurrahman İverendi in Trabzon Beşikdüzü Type T Closed Prison were confiscated. Abdurrahman İverendi (36), an ill prisoner held in Trabzon Beşikdüzü Type T Closed Prison, stated in a telephone conversation with his family that his wards were raided every day by the guards. Stating that his crutches and the reports given to him by the doctor were confiscated during the raid, İverendi called for public awareness.   PRISONER HAS PLATINUM ON HIS FOOT   Iverendi's mother, Meryem Iverendi, said: "My son called me on Wednesday. He said that the ill prisoners were not referred to the hospital, and the prison administration did not give the medicines of the hospitalized detainees for months. Since my son is disabled, he can walk with the help of crutches. But the guards confiscated one of his crutches in the last raid. They also confiscated the reports the doctor gave him. 17-18 people were staying in the same ward, but they destroyed everything during the raid. My son had an accident before he was arrested. That's why he can't use his right leg. There are 19 pieces of platinum in his leg. His right hand is also disabled. His mouth is damaged. And his teeth were broken in the accident. Despite all these diseases, there are also attacks and threats."   'MY SON CANNOT WALK WITHOUT CRUTCHES'   Drawing attention that her son cannot meet his needs without crutches, mother Iverendi said: “I have not been able to see my son for five years because I do not have the opportunity. The year he was first arrested was in Mardin Prison. He was then taken to Izmir Şakran Prison. Then they said to us, 'If you give 700 liras, we will bring it to Şırnak.' After depositing the money, they brought him back, but after a short time, they took him back to a different prison. He has been held in Trabzon Beşikdüzü prison for three years. My son cannot meet his needs alone, his friends help him."    CALL TO HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS   Stating that the attacks on prisons must end, Iverendi said: “What is being done is injustice and cruelty. A new director has been appointed to the prison and the director is an enemy of Kurds. His other brother is also in Diyarbakır Type T Prison and he is also ill. Since he is closer, I go to see him once a month. My call to human rights organizations. They should listen to the voices of the prisoners."