Constitutional Court found no violations in the penalties given for hunger strike! 2023-10-02 12:37:17   SİNCAN - The Constitutional Court decided that there was no "right violation" in the disciplinary punishments given to prisoners who went on hunger strike against rights violations in Sincan Women's Closed Prison.   Prisoners in Sincan Women's Closed Prison went on hunger strike in 2022 against rights violations. The female prisoners, against whom a disciplinary investigation was initiated due to the action, were sentenced to be deprived of social activities for one month.   The prisoners who objected to the sentence in question first appealed to the Execution Judgeship and then to the High Criminal Court. After the applications received no results, Nuriye Adet, one of the prisoners, made an individual application to the Constitutional Court (AYM).   The Constitutional Court decided that the penalty was not a "violation of rights". The following statements were included in the decision dated September 13, 2023: "When the application is evaluated to the extent that it falls within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court to examine individual applications and within the framework of the documents submitted, it has been concluded that there is no interference with the fundamental rights and freedoms envisaged in the Constitution or that the intervention does not constitute a violation. For these reasons, it has been definitively decided that the application is unacceptable because it is clearly ill-founded, without examining the other admissibility conditions."   MA / Dicle Müftüoğlu