Call from young people: Get rid of the drugs and prostitution from our homes 2023-10-05 12:27:56   ÊLIH - Green Left Party Youth Council members, who are campaigning against special war policies, called on young people and families who are the target of drug and prostitution policies, "Get rid of the dirty war from our homes, streets, and cities."   The "Li dijî şerê taybet tekoşînek bi heybet - Magnificent resistance against special war policies" campaign, which the Greens and Left Futures Party (Green Left Party) Youth Council started on August 5 against the special war policies, continues. Members of the Green Left Party Youth Council, who came together with the public in Êlih(Batman) as part of the campaign, go from neighborhood to neighborhood and explain special war policies to the public.   Youth Council members distribute leaflets in the neighborhoods and try to inform young people about drugs and prostitution in their meetings.   Young people from the Green Left Party receive great support from the residents of the neighborhood, especially in the work carried out in neighborhoods where drug use and sales are intense.   'THE PURPOSE IS TO TAKE THE MIND OF THE SOCIETY.'   Giving information about the work they carry out, Youth Council member Adnan Vural said: “Political, social, cultural, economic, military, all areas are within the scope of special war; however, private warfare mainly focuses on the mentality of society and the individual. Their main purpose is to capture the minds of the society. Once the mindset is enslaved, others follow. For this reason, freedom seekers and people should give priority to the mentality that the ruler is trying to divert. The multifaceted attacking system leads to the spread of drugs and prostitution. Drug dealers literally guide smokers. While young people are interested in drugs, the system puts into effect assimilation policies."   SUPPORT FROM FAMILIES   Stating that they have been meeting with the people of the city by going from street to street and house to house for two months within the scope of the campaign, Vural said: “The AKP-MHP government has established its existence on the denial and destruction of the Kurdish people. The government tries every way to achieve this. Drugs, prostitution, assimilation, agentization, attack on values, isolation and abuse are just some of their plans. So we went down to the areas against them. We come together with our people everywhere, in parks, streets, neighborhoods and homes."   'LET'S CARRY OUT THE CAMPAIGN TOGETHER'   Stating that they were subjected to police attempts to prevent them while running a campaign, Vural said: “We want to prevent drugs and prostitution with our work. We are meeting with young people and families about this. Why does this situation bother the police? Why are they trying to create obstacles for us? These obstruction attempts are actually proof of how the AKP-MHP government is waging a special war."   Stating that they will increase the tempo of their work in line with the public's demand, Vural said to everyone who is sensitive: "Let's run this campaign together. "Let's get rid of the dirty war from our homes, streets, cities and lands."   MA / Fethi Balaman