Xoce: The status of Kurds is targeted with attacks 2023-10-09 11:56:01   RIHA -Stating that the status of the Kurds is targeted with the Turkish attacks, PYD General Assembly member Ahmed Xoce said: “There is a magnificent resistance against the attacks. People say 'I defend my status'."   Following the attack on the General Directorate of Security in Ankara on October 1, Northern and Eastern Syria were targeted. Turkey targeted facilities that provide gas and electricity needs, as well as places such as hospitals and schools. Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Assembly member Ahmed Xoce evaluated Turkey's attacks and the silence of international powers.   'THE PURPOSE IS THE STATUS OF THE KURDS'   Stating that Turkey targeted the status of the Kurds with attacks, Xoce noted that they were disturbed by the life model in Northern and Eastern Syria. Saying that Turkey was looking for an "excuse" for the attack, Xoce said: "Last year, after the Ankara explosion, Turkey launched an attack even though there was no evidence. Despite the statements of the Autonomous Administration, the infrastructure and superstructure were targeted after the Ankara attack. Many civilians were massacred in the attacks that have been continuing for days. The border line of Northern and Eastern Syria was bombarded. Turkey wants to destroy the economy of the region and force the people living here to migrate with these attacks."   Noting that they wanted to "resurrect the Ottoman Empire" with the attacks, Xoce said: "Since the Rojava revolution, the status here has been tried to be destroyed; however, the Autonomous Administration foiled all attacks. Türkiye is committing war crimes with these attacks. Attacks on infrastructure and superstructure systems that meet the needs of hospitals, schools and society are within the scope of war crimes. They bombed the cement factory built to rebuild the city destroyed by ISIS."   THE SILENCE OF INTERNATIONAL POWERS   Condemning the silence of international powers in the face of attacks, Xoce said: "The dominant powers also have plans in the Middle East. In line with these plans, they approve of Turkey's attacks. The coalition forces in the region are also silent against these war crimes because for the first time, all peoples come together in the Middle East. The Democratic Modernity system that allows them to live equally has been built. The dominant powers want the new systems built in the Middle East to be under their control. This does not suit their interests. They see the system here as an obstacle to their own interests."   'THERE IS A MAGNIFICENT RESISTANCE'   Emphasizing that they were prepared against the attacks, Xoce said: "The attacks and bombardments that have been going on for days did not intimidate the people here. The people were on the streets, attending the funerals of the martyrs in large numbers. The Autonomous Administration also knows that the ruling powers act in line with its own interests, so it resists by relying on its own strength. It is resisting these attacks in a magnificent way. There is resistance. Kobanê has been under bombardment since last night, but the people did not leave their homes. They clearly showed their stance. The people say 'I am on my own land and I protect my status."   Drawing attention that the attacks coincided with the week of October 9, the anniversary of the international conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Xoce continued: "The solution to the problems in the Middle East is Leader Apo's idea. For this reason, these attacks are due to the ongoing isolation on Leader Apo. We cannot think differently. They want to repeat the Second Lausanne by isolating Leader Apo and attacking Northern and Eastern Syria. My call to our friends, democratic forces and the world public opinion is to increase their reaction against these attacks of Turkey. It is everyone's responsibility to prevent this attack on Turkey. I call on the entire world public to support the Kurds, both morally and politically."   MA / Mahmut Altıntaş