Attacks on Rojava: Türkiye is uncomfortable with the new life model 2023-10-19 10:47:18 ISTANBUL - Stating that Türkiye is disturbed by the new life model in Northern and Eastern Syria, HEDEP PM member Murat Mıhçı stated that the consequences of the war are borne by the entire society. Following the attack on the General Directorate of Security located in the Ministry of Internal Affairs campus on October 1, Turkey targeted Northern and Eastern Syria and started attacks. While places such as water tanks, electrical facilities and living spaces were targeted in the attacks, many civilians lost their lives as a result of these attacks. Making evaluations on the issue, Murad Mıhçı, a member of the Party Assembly (PM) of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP), emphasized that the attacks were aimed at the "new living order" created there.   'ATTACKS AGAINST NEW LIFE'   Stating that it is important to implement the "new life" model established in Northern and Eastern Syria, Mıhçı said: "This model will be important in solving the problems in places such as Cyprus, Palestine and Karabakh. There are public assemblies in Rojava and the least representation is most represented here. The order established in Northern and Eastern Syria can prevent the conflict environment in the world. This model is a situation that structures advocating war policies would not want, not only for Turkey but also for the world."   Stating that the new life model established in Northern and Eastern Syria will also affect other states, Mıhçı said: "The is 'uncomfortable' with Turkey's new life model. Turkey's attacks were carried out with the approval of the imperial powers. The civilians there had many sufferings. The main purpose of these attacks is the order there itself. Since it is so close to us, we may not be very aware of the change there. But today, even people in South America are very curious about Rojava. They are seriously investigating this new way of life."   'THE RESULTS OF THE WAR ARE AFFECTING SOCIETY'   Adding that the cost of the war is high, Mıhçı said: "Turkey invested a large part of its economy in the war; however, the cost of peace is not that heavy,  Mıhçı continued: “Secondly, there is an emotional rupture. When your relatives are bombed there, their relatives here are disturbed. For example, I have relatives in Lebanon. If that place were bombed, I would be worried about what would happen to my relatives. The children of the Kurdish people here are also worried about their relatives. Moreover, not only Kurds live there, but also Assyrians, Assyrians and Armenians. Carrying out the 'solution' of this issue through war policies, on the other hand, means the consequences of the war are affecting Turkish society.”   PALESTINE, ROJAVA, KARABAKH…   Stating that the policies in the world are not implemented for Palestine, Rojava and Karabakh, Mıhçı said: "No voice was heard despite what was happening in these places. How realistic is it to make a noise or pretend to make a noise to the people there? Countries must have diplomacy but you should not change the form of diplomacy depending on the region. If you are defending the civilian population in Palestine, which is the right decision, then this should be adopted in both Karabakh and Rojava."   DEFENDING PEACE   Emphasizing that they are experiencing a period when it is difficult to defend peace, Mıhçı concluded his words as follows: “But the important thing is to defend peace in such a period. We must leave our identities aside and have peace as our only identity. There is no winner in war. Today, while the USA seemed to be winning in the Middle East, the September 11 attack happened, the USA suffered a very heavy defeat. You cannot achieve the outcome of this issue unless you resolve the peace through agreement. In this sense, it is possible to say that the most important thing is peace advocacy.”   MA / Ömer İbrahimoğlu