Raped child dragged into prostitution by threats 2023-10-19 13:55:52 ÎDIR - It was revealed that a child in Îdir was raped by 6 men for 4-5 months and was blackmailed into prostitution. It was revealed that a child in Idir was dragged into prostitution after being raped for months under blackmail and threats. According to JINNEWS, the child, who could not explain the situation to her family, went to the Provincial Police Department on September 27 and explained what happened, as the threats continued. In the statements of the police and the prosecutor's office, it was learned that the child was raped by 6 men for approximately 4-5 months and was dragged into prostitution through blackmail.   THE CHILD FILED A COMPLAINT AGAINST THE 6 PERPETRATORS   The child, who said in her statement that she was raped by men named Ferhat Angay, Onur Begeç, Vedat Giden, Cebrail Yıldız, Murat Altun and Alican Begeç, filed a complaint against the perpetrators. After the incident came to light, the family filed a complaint against the perpetrators.   THE EVIDENCE OF RAPE IN THE REPORT   On the other hand, it was noted that in the report prepared after the examination at the hospital, there was evidence of rape. The perpetrators denied the accusations of rape and blackmail in their statements to the police and prosecutor's office.   Onur Begeç, Alican Begeç, Vedat Giden and Murat Altun, who were referred to the court after their statements to the prosecutor's office, were arrested on September 27 for the crime of "sexual abuse of a child" and sent to Iğdır Type S Closed Prison, while Ferhat Angay was released on condition of judicial control. Later, the child's lawyers applied for the arrest of the perpetrator Ferhat Angay. It was stated that the other perpetrator, Cebrail Yıldız, was missing and his statement was not taken.   It was learned that the child was taken under protection.