Imprisoned SGDF member Koyun been in isolation for 5 months 2023-10-20 11:36:42 ISTANBUL - SGDF MYK member Müslüm Koyun, who was arrested due to his political activities, has been held in a solitary cell for 6 months and all applications for the visits of his friends have been rejected. Müslüm Koyun, a member of the Central Executive Board (MYK) of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), who was nominated by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) from Eskişehir in the May 14 elections, was arrested along with 7 people on the allegation of "being a member of an terrorist organization" on May 4. The second hearing of Koyun, who is being held in Eskişehir Type H Closed Prison, will be held at the Eskişehir 2nd High Criminal Court on October 24. Koyun is accused of press releases, political activities, and statements about HPG members who lost their lives in Turkey's attacks with chemical weapons.   KOYUN HAS BEEN HELD ALONE FOR 5 MONTHS   SGDF Co-chairperson Okan Danacı said that their manager Koyun was arrested due to election activities. Noting that the indictment prepared against Koyun also consisted of his political activities, Danacı said: “The commemorations, press releases, marches, in short, all activities have been made the subject of accusation. They put everything legal in the file. These attacks are an intimidation against those who say 'There is a third way'."   Stating that Koyun was kept in a single room in isolation conditions in the prison, Danacı said: "Koyun was not allowed to meet with anyone except his lawyers. His friends' visits were not accepted by the prison administration. Koyun's family could not attend the meeting due to financial difficulties, and that all communication channels of Koyun were blocked and that they wanted to isolate him in prison. I invited all democratic organizations to Koyun's hearing."