Human Rights Sit-in will be held for ill prisoners 2023-12-10 12:22:48 ISTANBUL - TIHV and IHD will organize Human Rights sit-in and "We Light Our Candles for Human Rights" events to draw attention to the situation of ill prisoners. Human rights and legal organizations will organize a series of events this year within the scope of December 10-17 Human Rights Week. In this context, the Istanbul branches of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TIHV) will organize events such as film screenings, panels, interviews and statements throughout the week. After making a statement in Sultan Ahmet Square at 12.00, TİHV and İHD will organize a panel titled "Custody Examinations" at 14.00 at the Istanbul Medical Chamber, followed by a reception.   CARD ACTIVITY FOR ILL PRISONERS   An event to send cards to ill prisoners will be held on December 12. Following the announcement to be made at the IHD Istanbul Branch, cards will be sent to ill prisoners at 13.30.   CONVERSATION AND MOVIE SCREENING   There will be a film screening and conversation on December 13. In this context, in addition to the movie "Memory Is Not Enough", a conversation will be held at IHD Istanbul Branch at 18.30, with journalist and director Ümit Kıvanç as the speaker.   PREVENTING OF THE RELEASING IN PRISONS   Attention will also be drawn to the recent preventing of releases in prisons on the grounds of "not good conduct" decisions made by the Administration and Observation Board (IGK). In this context, a panel titled "Practices that eliminate the right to parole and probation" will be held on December 16, at 14.30, at the İHD Istanbul Branch building.   HUMAN RIGHTS SIT-IN   A "Human Rights Sit-in" will be held at the IHD Istanbul Branch building on December 17. The "We Light Our Candles for Human Rights" event will be held at the branch building at 18.00 on the same day.