Prisoners relatives: Tomorrow may be late for prisoners 2023-12-12 10:40:16 ISTANBUL - The families of the prisoners who started a hunger strike for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan said: "Today it may be early, tomorrow it may be too late" and asked all segments to embrace their demands. The rotating hunger strike action, which was launched on November 27 by prisoners in prisons to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in isolation in İmralı, has entered its 16th day. Families who supported the hunger strike initiated by the prisoners said they would do everything they could to help their children.   Ali İpekli, brother of prisoner İsa İpekli, who is in Silivri Prison No. 9, said that he went to visit his brother 3 days ago. İpekli shared the information that the prisoners in the same ward with his brother started hunger strikes alternately. İpekli said: “If there is no news from Mr. Öcalan by February, the prisoners will continue to protest very determinedly indefinitely. At the same time, most of the prisoners' expectations are outside. We will do everything we can as a family. Prisoners' demand is for the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan to be lifted and his freedom."   'I SUPPORT MY BROTHER'   Stating that he supports his brother's decision, İpekli said: "I had also been to prison in the past and that I went on a hunger strike against the unlawfulness in prisons. Hunger strike is a prisoner's fundamental right. There is nothing but your body. The prisoners are trying to get an answer by putting his body forward against the blockage. My brother are on a hunger strike in Kırıkkale Prison in 2018-2019. My brother had dropped to 35 kilos at that time. A partial result was achieved in the hunger strike at that time. A meeting took place with Öcalan. But in the following period, a heavy isolation was imposed on Mr. Öcalan, citing disciplinary punishments with flimsy excuses."   'ISOLATION IN ALL PRISONS'   Ali İpekli   Emphasizing the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, İpekli said: "The isolation in İmralı Prison was reflected in all prisons. The rights violations are increasing in prisons in parallel with the isolation. Two prisoners in the same ward with my brother have been in prison for 32 years. Although these prisoners' sentences have ended, their executions have been postponed and it is not clear when they will be released. We see and witness this process. Our concern is this; 7 prisoners lost their lives during hunger strikes in the past. We, as their relatives, do not want such a tragedy to happen again. This time, if the process turns into an indefinite hunger strike, dozens and hundreds of prisoners will die in prison."   'WE CANNOT GET ANY NEWS'   Kumru Akgül   Kumru Akgül, the older sister of the ill prisoner Erdal Özel, who is in Metris Type R Prison, drew attention to the isolation applied in İmralı and said: “There is isolation on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. We haven't heard from him for 3 years. The state does not give any information to their lawyers."   'TOMORROW MAY BE LATE'   Stating that the prisoners went on hunger strike against the lack of news, Akgül said: "We need to protect the prisoners. Today it may be early, tomorrow it may be too late. There should be no more coffins in prisons. The state kill our children in prison, then make it look like suicide. We, as relatives of prisoners, need to raise our voice against this. That's enough, let's raise our voice about this situation. If we all join hands, no one can stand in our way. I support the resistance of the mothers holding the Justice sit-in in Van, Izmir and Amed."