'Our action will continue until our demand is accepted' 2023-12-26 13:26:26   İZMİR - Prisoner Esma Başkale, who is on a hunger strike to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said: "We will continue our actions until our demands are accepted.   The periodic rotating hunger strike that the prisoners in prison started on November 27 within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign continues. Esma Başkale, a prisoner in İzmir Şakran Women's Closed Prison, is one of the prisoners who participated in the hunger strike. Melek Başkale, Esma Başkale's older sister, stated that during her contact visit with her sister on December 22, her sister told her that her action would continue until she got results.   Reminding that her sister took part in the indefinite and non-rotating hunger strike for 5 months in 2018, which was initiated after PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was not allowed to meet with her lawyers, Başkale said that they, as families, will stand by the prisoners.   Melek Başkale, Esma Başkale's older sister   'THE PRISONERS DO NOT ACCEPT ISOLATION'   Drawing attention to the morale and motivation of the prisoners, Başkale said: “Our motivation are very high. The hunger strike was launched to end the isolation. Negotiations should be held as soon as possible to lift the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan. The prisoners are determined to resist by continuing their hunger strike until the isolation is lifted."    Başkale stated that the demands of the prisoners are legal and legitimate and made a call saying: "No prisoner accepts isolation. Everyone needs to support this struggle for rights."