2023 tally of JINNEWS: At least 320 women were murdered 2024-01-01 17:07:32   NEWS CENTER - According to JINNEWS 2023 violence tally, at least 320 women were murdered and 189 women lost their lives suspiciously.   JINNEWS compiled the tally of violence against women in 2023. According to the tally, at least 320 women were murdered in 2023, and 189 women died suspiciously. Women were murdered by the men closest to them.   In the first month of the year, January, 31 women were murdered and 9 women died suspiciously.   In February, 10 women were murdered and 10 women lost their lives suspiciously. 3 women were attempted to be murdered.   In March, 22 women were murdered and 16 women were found dead in suspicious circumstances. 3 women were tried to be murdered.   In April, 23 women and 4 children were murdered. 17 women and 4 children died suspiciously.   In May, 39 women and 1 child were murdered, and 1 woman was attempted to be murdered. While 23 women and 3 children died suspiciously, one baby died as a result of rape.   In June, 25 women were murdered, 24 women and 5 children lost their lives suspiciously.   In July, 26 women and 2 children were murdered, 9 women and 4 children lost their lives suspiciously, and 3 women were attempted to be murdered.   In August, 28 women and 2 children were murdered, 21 women and two children lost their lives suspiciously, and 4 women were attempted to be murdered.   In September, 32 women and 3 children were murdered, 22 women and one child lost their lives suspiciously, and 1 woman was attempted to be murdered.   In October, 28 women were murdered, 13 women and 3 children died suspiciously. Two women were tried to be murdered.   In November, 36 women and 6 children were murdered, 23 women lost their lives suspiciously, and 7 women were attempted to be murdered.   In the last month of the year, December, 20 women were murdered, and 2 women and two children were found dead in suspicious circumstances.