Response to Turkey attacking Shengal: The system we have built will not be destroyed by bombs 2024-01-02 13:29:18 NEWS CENTER - Hisên Seado said to Turkey, which he accused of trying to eliminate the democratic nation system they built after the massacre carried out by ISIS: "This system was built with great will and great sacrifice. It cannot be destroyed by attacks and bombs.” Turkey, which does not seek a political solution to the Kurdish issue and insists on war policies, continues its air strikes against the Northern and Eastern Syrian Autonomous Administration on its southern borders and the Shengal Autonomous Region in Federated Kurdistan as part of this policy. In the last air strikes against Northern and Eastern Syria on 25-26 December, civilian settlements as well as centers such as hospitals, power plants and petrol stations were bombed and 9 civilians lost their lives in these attacks.   In the air attack on Shengal on December 28, the tent of workers digging water wells was bombed and 5 workers lost their lives.   The central governments of Syria and Iraq and the administration of the Federated Kurdistan Region did not make the slightest noise and international forces remained silent against these attacks made by Turkey.   Hisên Seado, Deputy Cochair of the Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly, evaluated Turkey's attacks and the silence against them.   Stating that Turkey is intolerant towards everything that serves Shengal, Seado talked regarding the last attack they were subjected to: “Wells were dug at the foot of Serdeşt Mountain due to the water needs of the people. Targeting these people comes from intolerance towards the Yazidi community.”   Stating that Turkey is comfortable than Shengal and that is why it targets all kinds of work done for the construction of Shengal, Seado said, “As always, their targets are Shengal and Rojava. It was Rojava that showed the most solidarity with Shengal during the ISIS attacks. They know that Shengal will also show this solidarity, and that is why they know no limits in their attacks. That's why every attack against Rojava has been made against Shengal.”    Hisên Seado cited the system that is being tried to be built with a democratic nation mentality in these two regions as the reason why Rojava and Shengal were chosen as targets. Stating that Turkey is in great anger and discomfort against the democratic nation system they are building, Seado said: “With these attacks, they want to destroy and eliminate the democratic nation system that was established at great costs. They want to end this system that has influenced the whole world and has become known all over the world. However, this system was built with great will and great sacrifice. This system cannot be destroyed by attacks and bombings. We will not give up our insistence on making the democratic nation system permanent." Hisên Seado also emphasized that Turkey's attacks on both regions should not be seen as ordinary and should not be normalized. Seado said: “Anyone who stands in solidarity with the Yazidis is targeted. Therefore, the Yazidi community must see and expose this hostility. Shengal must not remain silent against this oppression of the Turkish State. Everyone must protect Shengal and Rojava. Every attack on Rojava also negatively affects Shengal. It is a humanitarian duty and responsibility to embrace Rojava and Shengal.”    Hisên Seado, who also reacted to the Iraqi central government and Southern Kurdistan government officials who remained silent about Turkey's attacks on Shengal, said: “These bombardments against the Yazidis are take no notice. The Yazidis are ignored as usual.”    'TO PROTECT ROJAVA IS TO PROTECT A DEMOCRATIC NATION'   Stating that everyone should be in solidarity with Shengal and Rojava, Seado said: “To protect Shengal and Rojava means to embrace this system. We, as the Yazidi community and the Autonomous Administration, stand by Rojava. After the border gate between us and Rojava was closed, there were difficulties in coming and going. If this door had not been closed, the solidarity of the Yazidis would have been much different. The purpose of closing the door was to completely cut off Shengal's relationship with Rojava, but no matter what the conditions are, we will always be with Rojava.”