Visit ban on journalists who reported on the murder of Jîna Emînî 2024-01-02 17:12:34 NEWS CENTER - In Iran, journalists who were arrested for reporting on the murder of Jîna Emînî were sentenced to a ban on phone calls and family visits. Journalists who first reported on the murder and funeral of Jîna Emînî in Iran and were subsequently arrested were sentenced to a ban on phone calls and family visits. Êran Celili, mother of journalist Nesim Sultan, reported that Ilahe Muhammedi and Nilüfer Hamidi were not allowed to meet with their families on December 10, 2023.   TWO JOURNALISTS WERE PUNISHED   The Iranian Supreme Court sentenced female journalists Ilahe Muhammedi and Nilüfer Hamidi on the grounds that they reported on the murder of Jîna Emînî on September 16, 2022. Ilahe Muhammedi was sentenced to 6 years in prison for "cooperating with the USA, defined as an enemy state", 5 years in prison for "conspiring against national security" and 1 year in prison for "conducting propaganda against the Islamic Republic".   On the other hand, Nilüfer Hamidi was sentenced to 7 years in prison for "cooperating with the USA, defined as an enemy state", 5 years in prison for "conspiring against national security" and 1 year in prison for "conducting propaganda against the Islamic Republic".   In addition, in accordance with Article 23 of the Islamic Penal Code, journalists were prohibited from being members of any political party, group, organization or association for 2 years.