The Iranian regime did not allow the burial of the Kurd director's body 2024-01-05 11:39:25 NEWS CENTER – The Iranian regime did not allow Director Mensûr Kerîmiyan, who lost his life as a result of Turkey's air strike, to be buried in the city of Sinê, where he was born. Kerimiyan's body will be buried in Federated Kurdistan.   The body of Director Mensûr Kerîmiyan, who lost his life on December 26 during Turkey's air strikes against Northern and Eastern Syria, was not allowed to be buried in the city of Sinê in Rojhilat (Iran-Eastern Kurdistan), where he was born.   Upon receiving the news that Kerimiyan had passed away, his family went to Northern and Eastern Syria on December 30, 2023, and after the ceremony held there, they received his remains and set off to their hometown via the Federated Kurdistan Region by road. The family, who wanted to reach the city of Sinê and bury his body, was prevented by the Iranian regime forces.   Despite a week's worth of attempts, permission to bury the body was not granted. Thereupon, his family decided to bury Kerimiyan's body in Silêmanî (Suleymaniye) city of Federated Kurdistan.   Mensûr Kerîmiyan's body will be buried in Şêx Ebas Cemetery on January 7.   Mensur Kerimiyan, born in 1984, was born in Sinê, Rojhilat (Iran-Eastern Kurdistan). Kerimiyan, who had been interested in cinema for 20 years, had been carrying out his work in Northern and Eastern Syria for the last two years. Kerimiyan lost his life in the Turkish state airstrike on the region.