Relatives of the missing people asked about the perpetrators of Soysal, Düşkün and Yılmaz 2024-01-06 17:37:39   NEWS CENTER - IHD and the relatives of the missing people asked about the perpetrators of Abdullah Düşkün, who was murdered in Cizîr in 1994, and Mehmet Zeki Yılmaz, who was murdered in Colemêrg, and the fate of İsa Soysal, who was disappeared in Silopiya in 1988.   The protest "Let the missing be found and the perpetrators be tried", organized every week in Amed, Êlih and Colemêrg by the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the relatives of the missing people, continued this week. In the statements made in three cities, a call was made to find the perpetrators of the murders of Abdullah Düşkün and Mehmet Zeki Yılmaz and the missing İsa Soysal.   AMED   İHD Amed Branch and the relatives of the missing people came together in front of the Right to Life Monument in Koşuyolu Park in Rezan (Bağlar) district in the 778th week of their action. Families unfurled a banner with the photos of the missing people and carried the photos of their missing and murdered relatives in their hands. In this week's action, the perpetrators of Abdullah Düşkün, whose body was found 3 days after he was taken into custody in Şirnex's Cizîr (Cizre) district in 1994, were asked.   Dukkun's situation was read by IHD Amed Branch manager Fırat Akdeniz.   'HIS BODY WAS FOUND 3 DAYS LATER'   Akdeniz stated that Düşkün was detained from his home by plainclothes police on April 16, 1994, without giving a reason. Akdeniz said: “Three days after the incident, a minibus driver said that a body was found near their house. Thereupon, Abdullah Düşkün's watch and clothes were delivered to the family who went to Nisêbîn by the village headman. The family learned that Abdullah Düşkün's body was buried in the village."   Reminding that the chief of the village informed the gendarmerie about the burial of Düşkün in the village and that he was buried after the procedures were completed, Akdeniz said: "Thereupon, Abdullah Düşkün's mother went to the police station and identified her son from the photographs in the prosecutor's office's crime scene reports. In the photographs taken by the prosecutor's office before the body was buried, it was understood that Abdullah Düşkün was shot in the head. His family applied to the Prosecutor's Office, but there was no development in the legal process."   The statement ended after the sit-in protest.   ÊLIH   İHD and relatives of the missing people came together in front of the Human Rights Monument on Gülistan Street on the 614th week. The banner "Let the missing be found, the perpetrators be tried" was unfurled at the protest, and photographs of the missing were carried. Relatives of the missing people, human rights defenders, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Assistance, Solidarity, Unity and Culture Association with Families Who Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), Executives of the Êlih Bar Association, People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) attended.   This week, the story of İsa Soysal, who disappeared after being arrested on January 1, 1988 in the Karox hamlet of Bozalan village in Şirnex's Silopiya (Silopi) district, was read by Hüseyin Elçi, İHD Êlih Branch Manager.   The story of Soysal's disappearance is as follows: "Isa Soysal, married and father of three children, was forcibly taken away by people in civilian clothes who came to his house and was never heard from again. His family went to Cizre District Gendarmerie Command and asked if İsa was missing or whether he was there, but received a negative response. Soysal's relatives could not make an official complaint until 2009 due to the atmosphere of fear that prevailed during the period. In a book titled "Karakutu: Ergenekon's Dark Name Tuncay Güney" written by journalist Faruk Arslan in 2008, there was a statement that many people killed by JITEM were buried in Silopi Botaş Military Facilities. Thereupon, his relatives filed a criminal complaint with the Silopi Public Prosecutor's Office and demanded excavations to be carried out in the mentioned places. During the excavation, bones and clothing pieces were found, but no information about İsa Soysal was found. İsa Soysal is still missing since then.”   The statement ended with a sit-in protest.   COLEMÊRG   İHD Colemêrg Branch and the relatives of the missing people carried out their weekly protests on Sanat Street in Gever district center this week, demanding "Let the missing be found and the perpetrators be tried."   The Mothers for peace, ÖHD and DEM Party executives attended the statement. Before the statement, a banner "let the missing be found and the perpetrators be tried" was unfurled, along with photographs of those who disappeared in custody and were murdered by unknown assailants.   IHD Colemêrg Branch Secretary Pınar Zengin read the life story of Mehmet Zeki Yılmaz, who was kidnapped by 5 people wearing balaclavas in Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district of Colemêrg on February 2, 1994, and whose lifeless body was found 4 days later in the village of Manîs, murdered with 60 bullets. After the life story was read, the messages sent by Mehmet Zeki Yılmaz's relatives were shared.   The statement ended with a sit-in protest.