Tens of thousands of people demanded removal of state secrets from Paris massacre cases 2024-01-06 22:12:32 NEWS CENTER - Tens of thousands of people gathered in Paris, calling for the removal of the state secret on the cases related to the massacres and giving the message: "We will remove these secrets with the people's struggle."   Under the leadership of the TJK-E, Kurds and their supporters marched for Sakine Cansız (Sara), Fidan Doğan (Rojbîn) and Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahî), who were murdered in Paris, the capital of France, in 2013, and Emine Kara (Evîn Goyî), Mîr Perwer and Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahî) and Abdurrahman Kızıl, who were murdered in 2022. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Gare du Nord square and marched to Republique square. Speakers addressing Kurdistanis and their friends in Republique Square expressed their demands for the removal of the state secret decision on the massacre cases, the removal of the PKK from the list of terrorist organizations and the liberation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   'LET THE DARK CURTAIN BE REMOVAL'   At the rally, CDK-F Co-chair Xane Akdoğan thanked those who participated in the march and rally on behalf of the French Kurdish community and called out to the French state and asked for the dark curtain on the massacre to be abolished. Co-chair Şahin Polat, who made his speech in French, emphasized the responsibility of the French state and government in these massacres.   'WE WILL NOT STOP'   In her speech, TJK-E Spokesperson Ayten Kaplan thanked those who attended the march and rally. Kaplan pointed out that those who ordered the massacre were protected and said: "We are calling out to the French state, we now want justice to be served in this case. This massacre cannot remain in the dark. The murderers are clear. Those who gave the instructions are clear. France must be held accountable for this. Dirty games, dirty deals, dirty politics are being carried out. There are negotiations over the genocide of the Kurds. These plans are continuing by taking Kurds’ leader Abdullah Öcalan to İmralı Island. We won't stop. Our search for justice will continue. We will be on the streets."   'THE FRANCE STATE PROTECTS CRIMINALS'   Senator Hélène Bidard from the Communist Party of France went on stage with the senators and addressed the audience in the area. Bidard said: “The three women murdered in the massacre represented three different generations. The massacre was carried out by Turkish intelligence. We want this incident to be clarified. These women were feminists and fought for all women. 10 years later, three more Kurds were massacred in Paris. Evîn Goyî fought against ISIS. She was murdered in Paris like her friends who were martyred 10 years ago. I would like to commemorate Jina Emini here. The Kurdish women's movement fought for the feminist struggle and the women of the world. On behalf of the French Communist Party, I call for the abolition of state secrets. We want the Anti-Terrorism Court to deal with the matter. The French state protects the criminals during the massacre. France should clarify its stance for the freedom of Kurdistan. I also call on the European Union on behalf of the CPP: Implement the ECHR decisions. France must protect the Kurds in France. "We are with you against the dark forces."   'WE WILL NOT TAKE A STEP BACK'   Speaking on behalf of the families of those who lost their lives in the Paris massacres, İbrahim Bilen said: “We bow with respect to all our martyrs. If we can speak our own language freely today, it is thanks to our martyrs, Leader Apo, and those who resisted on the war front. We are here thanks to those who fought for this cause. Protect your martyrs. We will not step back. We exist, we will exist. We are bigger than dungeons and chemical weapons."  Then Evin Goyi's little nephew, Meles Bilen, sang a song dedicated to the murdered people.   'LONG LIVE THE SOLIDARITY OF THE PEOPLE'   Pascal Torre, co-chair of Coordination Nationale Solidarité Kurdistan (CNSK), emphasized in his speech that the massacres could not be clarified unless the state secret decision on the case files was abolished. Torre said: “They were murdered by Turkish intelligence. CNSK has been with CDK-F for 11 years. We are in solidarity with them. However, since the decision was taken as a state secret, no steps were taken to shed light on the massacre. Erdoğan is responsible for the massacre, the embassy is guilty. A crime has been committed against the Kurds. Why didn't the French state abolish the state secret decision? The French state works in harmony with Turkish intelligence. We want those who planned the massacre to be brought to justice. We condemn the Turkish state. We must work to liberate Abdullah Öcalan. PKK should be removed from the terrorist list. Know that we will be with you as the solidarity committee with French Kurdistan. Long live the solidarity of the peoples.”   'WE WILL REMOVE SECRETS THROUGH STRUGGLE'   KCDK-E Co-Chair Zübeyde Zümrüt stated the following: “We will not give up on our search for justice. We will grow our struggle as much as our grudge. The French state closed its eyes. They kept the files under wraps as a state secret. We will remove these secrets with the people's struggle. We will be in the areas until we liberate Leader Apo."   'REMOVE STATE SECRET'   Mathilde Panot, from the French Movement of the Unsubmissive, said in her speech: “We want to learn the details of this investigation. We support your struggle. We call on the French government. Remove state secret! We don't want people to be murdered in this city." In his speech, senator Remi Féraud, on behalf of the municipality of Paris, asked for the removal of the state secret decision on the massacre cases.   'THE STATE OF FRANCE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASSACRE'   Speaking at the rally, KCK Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar emphasized that the French state did not conduct an effective investigation into the massacre cases and pointed out that the French state is responsible. Continuing his speech, Aydar touched upon the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Issue" move and drew attention to the hunger strikes.   'WE WANT THE TRUTH TO BE REVEALED'   Speaking on behalf of the French National Women's Movement, Suzy Rothman said: “The Kurdish women's movement is a feminist movement and we are in the fields together on November 25 and March 8, fighting for the women of the world. We must show solidarity to realize the democratic society project developed in Rojava. Our struggle is current.”  Left party national coordinator Jean Christophe Sellin said: "We want the state secret on the cases to be abolished for the sake of truth and justice."   'WE SIDE THE KURDISH PEOPLE'   New Anti-Capitalist Party spokesperson Oliver Besancenot emphasized in his speech that pressure should be put on the French state and government. Oliver Besancenot: “We stand with the Kurds. We are inspired by the project of democratic confederalism. We must fight together. France must do whatever is necessary to remove PKK from the terrorist list. Political prisoners in Turkey and Öcalan must be released."   'WE WILL FIND REAL JUSTICE'   Ecologist Jerome Gleizes, Paris council member of ecologists, said: “We want you to know that ecologists are on the side of the Kurds. Erdoğan's Turkey is behind these massacres. Courts must be functional for truth and justice to emerge. 100 years of Lausanne, Lausanne is a betrayal to the Kurds. There can be no solution without recognizing the rights of the Kurds. I believe that we will find realistic justice in the future."    Lila Ayahalaa, on behalf of the Union Communiste Libertarie (UCL), also called for the removal of state secrecy on the massacre cases.   The rally ended with a concert by TEV-ÇAND artists.