No news from journalist detained by KDP for 76 days 2024-01-08 10:43:26   NEWS CENTER - There has been no news from Rojnews News Agency editor Süleyman Ahmet for 76 days. The KDP administration continues their silence despite the applications and calls regarding Ahmet, who is held by the security forces on October 25.   There has been no trace of Rojnews News Agency's Arabic editor Süleyman Ahmet for exactly 76 days. While returning to Southern Kurdistan from the city of Aleppo, where he went to visit his family, on October 25, Ahmet was held by units affiliated with the KDP at the Pêşxabûr (Sêmalka) Border Gate and was never heard from again.   In the statement made 6 days later by the Duhok Public Order affiliated with the KDP, some claims were made that Ahmet is not a journalist.   His lawyers applied to the Duhok Public Order Office to meet with Süleyman Ahmet, and received a response that the file was under the control of Parastin (KDP's intelligence agency), and they were prevented from meeting with their client on the grounds that the investigation was still ongoing.   Although lawyers who are members of the Süleyman Ahmet Defense Group have made more than 10 applications to date, no information about Ahmet has been shared.   KDP ADMINISTRATION IS SILENT   No statement has been received about Ahmet from the KDP administration, to which professional journalism organizations and non-governmental organizations have called.   APPLICATION WAS APPLIED TO THE UN   Rojnews officials, whose editors want the public to be informed as soon as possible about the situation of Süleyman Ahmet, also recently applied to the United Nations (UN).