Artist Hekîm Sefkan: Freedom campaign is a message of 'you cannot surrender us' 2024-01-08 13:59:44   AMED - Stating that the Imrali isolation is a situation that goes beyond torture, musician Hekîm Sefkan said that the message intended to be given by the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign is "You cannot surrender us, we are standing."   The "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, which was launched internationally on October 10, 2023, with the aim of abolishing the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is imprisoned in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, and ensuring his physical freedom, continues with actions and events with the support of many segments. Kurdish musician Hekîm Sefkan, who supported the campaign, was also among the signatories of the "Let's Be a Voice for Peace" declaration announced in Istanbul yesterday. Sefkan evaluated the Imrali isolation and the campaign.   'THE PEAK OF FASCISM'   Stating that isolation, which he considers as a "crime against humanity", is the peak of fascism, Sefkan said: "Isolation is torture beyond torture. With the isolation, millions of Kurds and democrats are being tortured. When you put a person in prison, human rights should be implemented."   'THE ONLY GOAL IS FREEDOM OF LEADER APO'   Stating that they fulfilled their responsibility within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, democratic solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, Sefkan said: "Freedom of Leader Apo was demand not only by the Kurds but also by non-governmental organizations in all countries in the world. We, as artists, also participated in this campaign. We carried out various actions. Physical freedom of Leader Apo is demanded in all our actions."   Pointing out that the actions taken in Kurdistan, Turkey and the world are an answer to the isolation, Sefkan said: “The Kurds told Turkey, ‘It is not possible for us to achieve what you think and hope for.’ It is not possible for you to take us over, we are standing. That isolation can only end with struggle and resistance.”   CALL TO ARTISTS   Emphasizing that the Imrali isolation was implemented against all Kurds in the person of Abdullah Öcalan, Sefkan continued: “No one has any guarantees. That isolation is a torture to us. Thousands of people have been arrested and martyred for years, and today tens of thousands of people are in prison. I especially call out to artists; Let's break those ideas of fear. Just as the Turkish state wants to destroy us in every field, we need to work for our own existence in every field.”