Sister of Aktaş, who held in İmralı: We forgot the faces of our prisoners 2024-01-10 11:05:44   AMED - Sabiha Aslan, sister of Veysi Aktaş, one of the prisoners held in İmralı and who has not been heard from for 34 months, stated that they have forgotten the face of their relatives and called for sensitivity on this point to all segments of society.   There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş, who are held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for 2 years, 9 months and 15 days. While the visits of lawyers and their families are blocked on the grounds of "disciplinary penalties", the reasons for the penalties are not notified to the lawyers on the grounds that they are "reflected in the press". There was no response to the "emergency meeting" applications made after the earthquakes in Gemlik, this situation also causes concerns for families.   Sabiha Aslan, the sister of Veysi Aktaş, who was transferred to İmralı Island Prison in 2015, noted that they were not allowed to meet with their relatives and called for awareness.   'THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE VOICE OF PEACE'   Underlining that the lack of news from Imrali is due to lawlessness and unfairness in Turkey, Aslan said that the unlawfulness experienced did not bring any gains to Turkey, on the contrary, it caused systemic collapse. Emphasizing that nowhere can be achieved through lawlessness, Aslan said: “They do not allow these visits just because of the voices of peace coming from there. Because peace in Turkey will not benefit some forces, some people, those at the top. But this lawlessness and injustice in Turkey causes an economic crisis and a deepening of the hostility between people. There is no love left among people anymore, there is a lack of love in Turkey. Injustice has brought people to this point”   WE FORGOT THE FACES OF OUR PRISONERS'   Interpreting the disciplinary punishments as "excuses", Aslan asked how "undisciplined" a captive person could be. Stating that the prisoners are not even in an environment where they can receive disciplinary punishment, Aslan said: “We have forgotten the faces of our prisoners because of these punishments. If they didn't come into our dreams, we would forget their voice and face. We have reached that point. We cannot convey or share our pain or joy with them in any way”   'WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE'   Reminding the earthquakes in Gemlik, Aslan stated that they called lawyers immediately after the earthquake and tried to get information. Aslan said: “We are worried, it is inevitable that there will be major earthquakes in Turkey. These people definitely need to get out of that prison. There is not a great distance between İmralı Prison and the sea. In case of a possible earthquake, our relatives will be left to their fate”   Stating that they could not find an interlocutor despite all their efforts, Aslan asked: “I wonder what they would do if they had not heard from someone they loved for 8 years, 9 years, 24 years because of unlawfulness?”   THE PHYSICAL FREEDOM OF 4 PRISONERS SHOULD BE PROVIDED'   Noting that everyone must do their part to break the isolation in İmralı, Aslan said: “This humanity problem is the problem of the whole world. Wherever there is cruelty, injustice, injustice, countries and states must oppose it. There are wars everywhere today. These all stem from injustice and silence. These 4 prisoners must first regain their physical freedom. Those who call themselves human and defend justice and law must fulfill their responsibilities. Why do human rights end in Turkey when it comes to Kurds? When it comes to Kurds, everyone's silent. Everyone who calls themselves a human must do their part.”   MA/Müjdat Can