Pressure against prisoners increased in Şakran Prison 2024-01-12 12:35:54   İZMİR - It was stated that after the hunger strike started in Şakran Women's Closed Prison, the pressure on the prisoners increased and even personal belongings were confiscated during the frequent ward searches.   The pressure on the prisoners in Izmir Şakran Women's Closed Prison increased even more after the hunger strike launched to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. It was stated that cell searches, which were carried out once a month at other times in the prison, became more frequent after the hunger strike started, and even the prisoners' personal belongings were confiscated during the searches.   Kübra Filiz, who is held in prison, talked about the pressures they faced in a phone conversation with her older sister Elif Filiz.   Older sister Elif Filiz, who said that her sister had stated that the ward raids, which she had previously stated were done once a month, had become more frequent, said: "My sister also participated in a 10-day rotating hunger strike. In this process, the pressure has increased even more. They are trying to intimidate them by applying psychological pressure. My sister had a bag  she made as a gift for her friend, they even took it”   'LET THEIR DEMANDS BE ACCEPTED'   Stating that this situation worries them, Filiz said: "They have already been arrested and their freedom has been taken away from them. Why so much pressure? It is unfair that they are not allowed to use their rights. We get very worried in such situations. The pressure on the prisoners must end, their demands must be accepted”