Prisoner Kurt's release has been blocked for 14 months 2024-01-14 11:13:43   ANKARA - The release of Rozerin Kurt, who held in Sincan Women's Prison, has been blocked for 14 months on the grounds of "not in good behavior" by the Administration and Observation Board.   The release of Rozerin Kurt, who was arrested after being detained during the house raids against Bitlis Eren University students on May 9, 2016, was blocked for the third time. Kurt, who was sentenced to 8 years and 9 months in prison on the allegations of "being a member of the PKK" and "making propaganda for the terrorist organization", was held in many prisons and was most recently transferred to Ankara Sincan Women's Closed Prison. Kurt's release, expected on November 26, 2022, was prevented by citing the one-month ban on visiting visitors issued on June 6, 2022. Kurt and her lawyers became aware of the decision as a result of their applications to the administrative and judicial authorities The Administration and Observation Board, which convened three months after the release date (February 23, 2023) and cited the disciplinary penalty given on June 6, 2022 for preventing the release, postponed Kurt's release until May 18, claiming that she was not of "good behavior".   SECOND OBSTACLE TO RELEASE   The board, which met on May 18, 2023, prevented Kurt's release for another 8 months, citing the disciplinary penalty given on January 31, 2023, and postponed the next evaluation meeting to January 11, 2024.   THIRD OBSTACLE    Kurt, who submitted a written petition to the board before the third meeting, asked for her lawyer to accompany her in this meeting. Kurt, who also demand the prosecutor to attend the meeting, stated that she wanted to attend the board service meeting on January 4 before the evaluation meeting. Kurt, who verbally conveyed her demand to the guards, was given the answer that the board would meet on January 11. However, in the report prepared by the board service on January 4 before the meeting on January 11, it was claimed that Kurt refused to attend the meeting. At the board meeting on January 11, it was stated that Kurt acted together with the prisoners in the ward, that she did not facilitate the staff's work, and that her negative attitudes were included in the "logbook" kept by the administration, but no information was given about what these negative attitudes and activities were. This time, the Board blocked Kurt's release until July 9, claiming that Kurt was "not on good behavior".