Temelli: The way to stop the pain is through peace 2024-01-14 17:56:27   NEWS CENTER - Speaking in Muğla, DEM Party Group Deputy Co-Chair Sezai Temelli said: “Whenever the number of funerals increases, hate speech against those who want democracy increases. The way to stop this pain is through peace, Imrali and Öcalan."    People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held extraordinary provincial congresses in Muğla and Manisa and determined its new management.   DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Sezai Temelli attended the congress held by DEM Party Muğla Provincial Organization at Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Cultural Center. The congress started with a moment of silence after the council election. Speaking at the congress, DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Sezai Temelli drew attention to the 3rd Way struggles and said: "Even if the name of our party changes, our struggle does not change. We are the passengers of the 3rd way. This struggle is a long-term struggle. There is a case to close down HDP. There is no law based on this case. They think they can intimidate us with closure cases, but this is not possible. We, who have undertaken the struggle of decades, continue on our way no matter what they do."   'THEY FEED FROM GUNS'   Drawing attention to the deaths caused by the Kurdish issue being left unresolved, Temelli said: “They are waging a war against the Kurds to maintain their order. Turkish and Kurdish children die every day in this country. It's time to hold accountable those who drove these children to their deaths. We can end this war and bring peace to the country and the Middle East. Whenever the number of funerals increases, hate speech against those who want democracy immediately increases. However, the pain is our common pain, the identity of the dead has no meaning. The way to stop this pain is through peace, Imrali and Öcalan. Negotiation is required for peace. But we know you. You feed on weapons."   Following the speeches, activity and financial reports were read. Later, in the elections held with a single list, Saip Kaya and Neslişah Çetinkaya were elected as the new co-chairs.   'LET'S BE A VOICE TO THE DUNGEONS'   Dem Party Manisa Provincial Organization also held its congress in a wedding hall in Yunusemre district. After the council election, a moment of silence was held at the congress, and then the speeches started. DEM Party Group Deputy Co-Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit attended the congress.   Speaking at the congress, Koçyiğit drew attention to the hunger strike carried out by prisoners in prisons within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign. Koçyiğit said: "I salute all political prisoners who took responsibility in prisons because we did not fight as we should and who starved their bodies to break the isolation. They are trying to convey a message to us, they have an issue. They are trying to raise a voice within four walls. Then we must take more responsibility, too. We have to see that the isolation of Mr. Öcalan is the cause of all this darkness and the biggest obstacle to the Kurdish issue. We must take a stand against this. We must be a voice to the prisons so that we can overcome this process together."   After the speeches, financial and activity reports were read, and in the election, Hüseyin Kılıç and Semra Elgörmüş were elected as Dem Party Manisa Provincial Co-Chairs.