Death penalty approved for Kurd political prisoner Ahmedi 2024-01-25 13:15:01 NEWS CENTER - The death sentence of Kurd politician Yusuf Ahmedi, who was sentenced to death, was approved by the Supreme Court of Iran. The death penalty given to Kurd politician Yusuf Ahmedi, who was detained and later arrested on charges of "cooperating with Kurd opposition parties" in April 2020, was approved by the court.   Ahmedi's first hearing was held on September 5, 2023, at Sanandaj Revolutionary Court Branch 1. While the court sentenced Ahmedi to death on the grounds of "rebellion", it sentenced Muhammed Karimi, Kolay Karimi and Muhammed Feizi, who were arrested with Ahmedi, to 20 to 25 years in prison for "aiding the rebellion".   The death sentence given to Ahmedi was approved by the 39th Branch of the Supreme Court of Iran and notified to him.