Wan trustee's debt exceeded 3 billion liras 2024-01-27 11:54:37 WAN - It was revealed that the total debt of Wan Metropolitan Municipality under trustee management is 3 billion 679 million 382 thousand 988 liras.   By the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a trustee was appointed to the Wan Metropolitan Municipality under the administration of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) on August 19, 2019. The HDP administration, which took over the municipality with a debt of 1 billion 100 million liras left by the trustee appointed in 2016 when it was under the administration of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), paid part of the debt with its own resources. The trustee, who was appointed for the second time after the HDP administration was in office for about 5 months, tripled the municipality's debt in a period of 4 years.   THE TRUSTEE CLOSES THE DEBT WITH A LOAN   The trustee, who took out millions of liras in loans between 2017 and 2023, makes a "public interest" decision almost every month to prevent the municipality's accounts from being blocked. It was learned that between August 2019, when the second trustee was appointed, and September 2023, loans were taken from banks almost every two months, by the decision of the appointed city council. It was revealed that the total debt of the municipality under the management of the trustee, who paid his debt by taking out a loan, was 3 billion 697 thousand 382 liras.   THE MUNICIPALITY OWES ALL BANKS   The municipality under the trustee administration's debt to the treasury, other public institutions (Social Security Institution/SGK and tax), Iller Bank, other domestic banks, loans taken from abroad and other debt stock amounts were revealed. Until the last month of 2023, the SGK and tax debt of the metropolitan municipality under trustee management will be increased to 120 million 38 thousand 318 liras, the debt of Iller Bank will be increased to 202 million 422 thousand 636 liras, and his debts to other banks will be increased to 1 billion 607 million 350 thousand 676 liras.  A debt of 1 million 771 thousand 915 liras was recorded under "other debts". According to the resulting table, the amount of debts that the trustee administration named only bank, SGK and other was 1 billion 954 million 585 thousand 550 liras.   AFFILIATED CORPORATIONS ARE ALSO IN DEBTS   The trustee not only made the municipality indebted, but also almost tripled the debts of the municipality's affiliated institutions. It was revealed that the debt of the Van Water and Sewerage Administration (VASKÄ°) affiliated to the municipality is 938 million 450 thousand 372 liras, the BELVAN company is 32 million 82 thousand, and the Mavikent company is 33 million 57 thousand 392 liras. It was revealed that the total debt of the institutions affiliated with the municipality is 1 billion 4 million 889 thousand 787 liras.   ELECTRICITY DEBT IS CLOSED WITH A LOAN   While it was learned that the trustee, whose debts increased, paid off electricity and other debts with loans, it was stated that the municipality spread these debts over the short, medium and long term. The trustee administration, whose debts have multiplied despite selling so many lands and municipal buildings, decided to use loans from Iller Bank and other private banks to be used to finance the unpaid electricity debts at the last appointed council meeting. Following the decision, it was learned that the municipality applied for loans to banks to pay his electricity debts.   MA / Ruken Polat