Hunger strike in Europe against the isolation of Ocalan 2024-02-02 22:26:02 NEWS CENTER - Socialists in Europe started a 3-day hunger strike simultaneously in the cities of Cologne, Paris, London and Basel against the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan. To support the hunger strikes in Turkey and Kurdistan prisons against the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, socialists in Europe organized a 3-day simultaneous hunger strike in Cologne, Germany, Paris, France, London, England and Basel, Switzerland.    The hunger strike organized by the European Confederation of Oppressed Migrants (AVEG-KON), Prisoners' Voice Platform (TSP), Socialist Women's Union (SKB) and Young Struggle. Hunger strike started with a press statement held at the Basel Education Culture and Art Center (BEKSAM). Gülderen Sevim, who made a speech here on behalf of AVEG-KON, read the press text prepared regarding the 3-day hunger strike.   'SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND LEGAL RIGHTS ARE BEING DESTROYED'   Referring to the violations of rights in prisons, Sevim said: "Solitary confinement is an attempt to cover up sexual violence against women in prison. The practice, which resulted in the death of Garibe Gezer after she was subjected to rape and torture by prison staff, is now used as a threat to all women in prison. The absolute isolation of the  Kurds’ Leader Abdullah Ocalan has been continuing uninterruptedly for three years. In the person of Ocalan, all social, political and legal rights of Kurd prisoners and all political prisoners sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment are being destroyed."    'EU IS PARTNER OF CRIMES'   Sevim continued: “The resistance of prisoners and their families against legal restrictions, isolation, torture and oppression in the name of human dignity and freedom will only be won by a united solidarity movement from Turkey, Kurdistan and Europe. As long as the uprising for human dignity and freedom in prisons moves to the streets, the fascist siege will be broken with a united, actually legitimate struggle. The imperialist states in Europe and the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) affiliated with the European Union (EU) Commission, not only ignore but also support the human rights violations, isolation torture and oppression in Turkey and Kurdistan. The EU, which primarily sided with the fascist regime in the fascist colonialist war, is also a partner in crimes against prisoners."   CALL FOR SOLIDARITY   Calling for solidarity, Sevim said: “In order to be the European voice of resistance against isolation attacks in prisons, as signatory organizations, we are organizing solidarity hunger strikes in Germany/Cologne, France/Paris, Switzerland/Basel and England/London between 2-4 February 2024. We call on the people to support the hunger strikes, strengthen the struggle and raise awareness."