Great Freedom March: Common struggle against fascism 2024-02-04 13:36:43 NEWS CENTER - Politicians and democratic mass organization representatives who continued the Great Freedom March from two branches said: "It is time to ensure the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan." The "Great Freedom March", which was launched on February 1 from Qers (Kars) and Wan for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, has been continuing for 4 days. Being aware of neither weather conditions nor obstacles, the travelers continue their way with great determination.  The marchers, who are met with the enthusiasm of the people wherever they go, talk about the isolation in every street, neighborhood, avenue and house they visit, touching upon the importance of Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom for the country. Marchers, who did not forget the massacres in Kurdistan, commemorated those who lost their lives in the massacre in Digor; Muhammed Aydemir and Orhan Arslan, two of the worker children who were murdered in the police raid in Giyadîn in 2015.    The marchers, to whom we handed microphones along the way from both arms, explained their feelings to our agency.   FREEDOM FOR ABDULLAH OCALAN   Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Berdan Ozturk reminded that the march was carried out with 75 people from two separate branches and said: “As the Qers branch, we are faced with intense interest. There are crises in Turkey that are deepening day by day. This crisis makes itself felt not only economically but in every field. We are in serious chaos. The reason for this is the deepening deadlock in the Kurdish issue. It was seen in the period between 2013 and 2015 that the interlocutor in resolving the crisis was Mr. Ocalan. Our people know the importance of this, and the people of Turkey need to see it now. Our struggle is for the freedom of not only the Kurds, but all peoples. We are trying to create awareness. Today, isolation is imposed on millions of people who say, 'Mr Ocalan is my will'. The key to solving all the crises not only in Turkey but also in the Middle East is in the hands of Mr. Ocalan. All the people of the world demand freedom for Mr. Ocalan with their actions and activities. Signature campaigns and various events continue from Africa to America, from Asia to Europe. Our message is to the people of Turkey; If there is to be a future and peace, the gates of Imralı must be opened. A solution cannot be expected until Mr. Abdullah Ocalan is free."    'COMMON STRUGGLE AGAINST FASCISM'   Stating that campaigns have been organized for Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom for many years, Ozturk said: “We have always expressed through our organizational structures that an honorable peace is essential, and we will continue to do so. We establish the promise of peace. You may not embrace Mr. Abdullah Ocalan's ideas, this is a different thing, but if the economy has come to this point, we need to listen to Imralı. The government is trying to punish the Kurds, specifically Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, with isolation. Issues were never solved by killing and arresting. Today, everyone who opposes is under isolation. If we want law and justice, everyone must raise their voice against this. If we unite the struggle, we can also regress fascism."     'A WALK THAT GROWS HOPE'   DEM Party Agirî (Ağrı) Deputy Nejla Demir emphasized that their struggle will continue until the isolation is ended and Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom is achieved. Demir continued: “This is an honorable and blessed march. It is a walk where hopes grow under the snow at minus 15 degrees. Our march will continue until the isolation on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan is abolished and the pressure in prisons ends."   'OUR HISTORY IS THE HISTORY OF AN ORGANIZED PEOPLE'   Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Spokesperson and DEM Party Istanbul Deputy Cengiz Çiçek, recalling the cartoon published in Milliyet newspaper on September 19, 1930, in which Mount Agirî was drawn as a grave and the tombstone erected on top read "Imaginary Kurdistan is buried here" He said that every inch of Kurdistan's land is wanted to be buried in concrete by the "genocidal mentality". Çiçek said: "They wanted to end humanity in this geography. But the Kurds, who are passionate about their freedom, made this geography the center of the struggle against the mentality that wants to bury them in concrete. Kurdistan is a place that defends not only its own values but also the values of all humanity. We will make these lands the capital of peace, justice and equality. Everyone should experience the honor of this and support this march. We say end of this walk; It will end with Mr. Ocalan's physical freedom. All peoples should unite around Mr. Ocalan's ideas and ensure their freedom. No one can defeat an organized people. Our history is the history of an organized people. Today we are on the road to ensure our freedom."