'Freedom for Ocalan' campaign on virtual media 2024-02-04 14:22:26 AMED - DBP will launch a campaign on virtual media for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) announced that it will launch a campaign on virtual media with the title "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue".  DBP said: “The isolation conditions and the absolute lack of communication, which have continued uninterruptedly and aggravated for four years since the lawyer meeting with Mr. Abdullah Ocalan twice in 2019 and the phone call he had with his family once in 2020, have deepened the deadlock in the Kurdish issue and caused the deepening of the war in Kurdistan. The 'Great March for Freedom', which we started with the motto 'Freedom for Ocalan, Solution to the Kurdish Issue’ against the policies of absolute isolation and lack of communication, has been going on city by city, district by district, village by village since February 1. At the same time, the ongoing hunger strikes in prisons and the Justice Watches in many cities continue as a great example of resistance."   CAMPAIGN ON FEBRUARY 14    In the statement, which stated that the campaign will be launched on February 14, the following was stated: "It is important to spread our promise by taking it to virtual channels and to announce it everywhere and to everyone for the end of absolute isolation and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. The mobilization initiated in virtual media will play an important role in achieving success. In this context, we call on all international institutions, unions, political parties, human rights activists, in short, all democratic forces to participate in this comprehensive campaign on virtual media in the hashtag campaign "Freedom for Ocalan, Solution to the Kurdish Issue", which will be held on February 14 under the leadership of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP).”