‘Great Freedom March' excitement in Dêrsim 2024-02-08 14:33:00   DÊRSIM - Those who took part in the “Great Freedom March” were enthusiastically welcomed in Dêrsim. Marchers asking about the situation of Gülistan Doku called for a "solution" in Seyit Rıza Square.   The Qers branch of the "Great Freedom March", which was initiated with demands for the solution of the Kurdish issue and the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, reached Dersim on the 8th day of the march. Marchers first made a statement on the bridge where Gülistan Doku was last seen.   THE SITUATION OF GULISTAN DOKU ASKED   DEM Party Deputy Keziban Konukçu said: "Gülistan was last seen here 4 years ago. Women are being murdered and disappeared all over Turkey. While everywhere in these lands is being watched with cameras, there is still no effective investigation. While those who are first degree suspects are not even taken into custody, the mother who is looking for her own daughter is taken into custody. We want justice for everyone in this land. We want freedom for all peoples and we are marching. Our march will continue until freedom comes to these lands.”     Carnations were left in the dam water from the place where Doku was last seen.   ATTENTION-CATCHING BANNER   The marchers then moved towards the city. Hundreds of people welcomed the marchers with white balloons. The crowd carried banners saying "Meşa azadiyê (Freedom march)", "Şîyayîşê Xelaşiya" and "Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (Women, Life, Freedom)".  And a banner with Atakan Mahir's "How can you leave this geography? The oak tree will bloom without us every day, every year. We have experiences for years. Munzur water flows below" words opened. Enthusiasm was noted in the welcome, where slogans of "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)" were chanted. There was intense interest in the marchers during the march in the city center. People around welcomed the marchers with applause and slogans. NCM artists also participated in the march with songs.   'NOW IS THE TIME FOR SOLUTION’   Speaking after the march that lasted until Seyid Rıza Square, DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit said: "We are in the land of Ali Şêr, Sakine and the Mazlums. We, as their children, grandchildren and comrades, continued our struggle uninterruptedly. The country is a fire place; there is torture and prison issue. There has been no news from Mr. Ocalan for 34 months. There is a Kurdish issue that has been going on in the country for a century. We set out against the mentality that says 'Kurds have no issue’. We were born here and our roots are here. We have lives in every inch of Dêrsim. There is no price we have not paid for freedom and democracy. Now is the time for peace and solution. Come on, give up this security mentality. Be a voice for Mr. Ocalan's voice. Dêrsim is a place that keeps secrets. These mountains are the mountains that shelter us. Even these mountains are rebelling now. Even the mountains say this war must stop now.” ISOLATION MUST BE ABOLISHED   Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said that they arrived in hometown of Sakine Cansız, Aysel Doğan and Seyit Rıza. Uçar said: “This government denies our culture and identity. They created a dark country. They left us longing for our country. And we say, 'We are the key.' We have the truth. So far they have told us 'There are no Kurds, they have no language or culture'. Now they are helding Mr. Ocalan in isolation. Ocalan is an important leader not only for Kurdistan, but for the whole world. We are also marching for freedom for Ocalan. We are fasting on this day of Hızır.”