Freedom Marchers in Licê 2024-02-09 17:43:41   AMED - The people of Licê, who welcomed the Freedom Marchers, danced halay with the marchers for a long time, singing Kurdish songs.   Marchers, including politicians and democratic non-governmental organizations representatives who set out from Qers for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, reached Amed's Licê district. The marchers, who were welcomed en masse at the entrance of the city, marched to the DEM Party district building with slogans against the obstruction that the police wanted to carry out on the grounds of a "ban decision". Throughout the march, the crowd was greeted with intense public interest in every street they passed through. Citizens welcomed the marchers from balconies and windows with victory signs and chants, and frequently chanted slogans such as "We will win by resisting."   'THE PEOPLE GIVE US MORALE'   Speaking in the statement made after the march that ended in front of the DEM Party district organization, DEM Party Deputy Newroz Uysal Arslan said: "This march has a great impact in every city we pass through. The people greet us and give us morale.”   'WE ARE MARCHING FOR OCALAN'S FREEDOM'   DEM Party Deputy Kamuran Tanhan reacted to the obstruction attempts and said: "Today we are in Amed, the heart of Kurdistan. We have been walking for 9 days for Mr. Abdullah Ocalan to be free. Lice has written its name in the history of Kurdistan in golden letters. Lice resisted all pressures. It was reborn from its ashes. Licê was burned many times in history and the murderers were not tried.”   ‘OCALAN IS HOPE FOR ALL PEOPLE'   Drawing attention to the policy of impunity applied to crimes involving police, soldiers and village guards, Tanhan said: "While the murderers were not tried, Mehmet Emin Ozkan was held in prison for nearly 30 years. The murderers are walking around freely. Ceylan Onkol was murdered with a mortar in front of her house. This is hostility towards the Kurds. When Mr. Ocalan spoke, spring came to all of Turkey. But those who want war today do not want Mr. Ocalan's voice to go out. Mr. Ocalan is a hope not only for the Kurds but for all peoples. If the Imralı gates are opened, peace will come.”   Stating that the people who murdered Medeni Yıldırım were not punished, Tanhan continued: "The murderer knows that he will not be punished when he is in uniform. The address of the solution is Imralı,  leader of Kurds Abdullah Ocalan. This march will continue until Mr. Ocalan regains his physical freedom."   The statement ended with the slogans "Bijî berxwedana İmralı (Long live resistance of Imralı)" and "We will win by resisting". After the statement, the crowd went to the district building and danced halay with the marchers for a long time, accompanied by songs sung in Kurdish.